Exeunt Omnes
A game of strategic sophistry. Convince or crush the teenage girl who wants to end your reign of evil.



Last Word Steam Release

(What does being Asian have to do with aging nicely...?)
A healthy mix of environmental factors, social propensities and genetics. 4-Si4n telomerase, activated by the Gw1Yo M1 gene on the X chromosome, which is why this effect is especially pronounced for females, although it does not help much once telomeres are too degraded.

The more you know *

* The more you seem to think science jokes are funny, somehow.

Last Word Steam Release

Haha that's amazing, congrats!
May the 8th be with you~

Where's my date? H-Have I been stood up?!

Haha oops sorry slash, did you see any other problem? Where did you end up using this diamond character?

(Also Liberty if you want anything other than this "Line" thing to do the linebreaks, just let me know, it's trivial to change)

Where's my date? H-Have I been stood up?!

Replace the line

v.gsub!(/\[Line\]/i) {"\n"}


v.gsub!("/\[Line\]/i", "\n" )

Don't know who coded this but that's a very random mistake to make.

Where's my date? H-Have I been stood up?!

Okay I'm on it, the problem doesn't seem so hard but I have to test it. I'll let you know soon.

Where's my date? H-Have I been stood up?!

If you can post the script I will correct it! I have just discovered this game and it is too good to not exist yet.

Thyden Screenshots

Really nice! Perhaps decrease the contrast on the floor tiles a little though, I feel that they attract too much of the viewer's attention - they are so much more visually intense that my brain almost wants to interpret them as the foreground (though that will certainly be less pronounced in motion)


Not that sort of game :P

Also, it's just a big softie at heart.

Adeline of the West

Thanks everyone! Clearly we're not going to have a demo out by the deadline, but we're quite far along so we'll release the full game soon enough.

It's been a blast having other people to work with, it was really nice being able to focus on drawing and leave others to do all the narrative, maps and scripts!

Solis Impound Barge

Honestly I wonder if you wouldn't be better off using an animation program to do that, importing the various elements, putting them on a skeleton, and saving each frame into a picture. Actually no, I'm completely sure you would be better off doing that :P

An alternative would be a simple script where you specify keyframe positions and you let it do the tweening. Have you found a scripter yet?