I don't get much sleep.
Out the Window
A short CYOA-style adventure made for ShuffleComp 2014




Room Escape download now available!

It's getting done, I swear! I have procrastinated quite a bit on it, though. All I can say is that I'll try to get it done soon.

Making games? What motivates you?

I make games because I like playing games, and often the games I want to play don't exist yet.

[GUESSING GAME] Secret Santa Sign-ups 2018

Yo, thanks for the hecka good Pearl, Zephire!

[GUESSING GAME] Secret Santa Sign-ups 2018

Sure, why not?

SYSTEM SOUNDS! Any good sources for 'em?

Maou Damashii has a good source of system sounds, all free to use in commercial products. TAM Music Factory has a section full of menu sounds, but commercial use is more limited.

What are you thinking about right now?

Right now I'm bored out of my mind waiting for the new event to start. I could work on other projects in the meantime, I suppose.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Momeka: Looking dope!

Corfaisus: Nice work, but I think reusing those cobblestone floor tiles as walls (at least, I think they're walls?) is more visually confusing than it needs to be.

Swap in the Middle with Two

I'm signing up! Unfortunately I only have RM2K (legal version), so that limits my options tremendously. Still, I hope to have lots of fun doing this!


Ooh, I like the graphics style you're using! Very Earthbound-y.