Hi all !

I like 16-bits RPGs (especially action RPGs) where you feel the quest behind the lines of code. I also like strategy, puzzle solving, immersive stories, tabletop RPG and LARP.

I'm a hobbyist C programmer who likes to work on custom game mechanics. My very first project was a very basic map generator for Genesia, aka Ultimate Domain

I also want to help developers polishing their projects with my player feedback. So I'll be happy to test your game !

See you around,
Red Balloon of Happiness
Red balloons bring happiness to any home. Any? Are you sure?



Raciela Review

Thanks for the suggestion.

Simple Times Review

I'll make the players able to set higher challenges for themselves like speeds up to 10 or 12.

Simple Times Review

Thanks for your review.

The game lets you adjust the horse speed from 1 to 8 by pressing the left or right key. Did you try adjusting the horse speed ?

Deer, You Are Being Hunted Review

Thank you for your rating indication. A score is always a useful information for players and developers.

Deer, You Are Being Hunted Review

Thanks a lot TheRpgmakerAddict for your kind review.

When choosing game tags, "Shooter" seemed appropriate because the game has shooting but with a grain of dark humor as the player is shot at ;-).

Running depletes a hidden stamina counter. Eating refills some stamina. You also regain stamina over time. The regeneration rate is the best while you stand and is slow while you walk. But if you get injured the rate become slow while standing and you no longer regenerate stamina while walking. The intention is to make the player feel like a wounded animal.

Map size is the result of a delicate trade off between what the injured and uninjured deer can traverse. It probably feels a bit too small if you never get injured but a bigger map would become tedious if you get injured early. I hope I got the size right between the uninjured and early injured situations.

I'm surprised you didn't rate the game.

stuff: my 1st projet Review

Here, the battle looks like this:

If you use a plugin for the battle, EasyRPG may or may not be able to run the plugin. If it isn't able to run a plugin, it will simply ignore it and run the default code.

In the video, JosephSeraph uses your stuff skill. When I played, I fought totally unprepared: I had not look at my skills before the fight... so I use a few Nuclear before realizing I wasted the MP necessary to use your great stuff. But I was able to win the battle quickly, thanks to EasyRPG fast-forward. While playing, holding F makes the game run at 3 times the normal speed. Holding G makes the game run at 10 times the normal speed! A very handy feature to go trough unskipable lengthy cutscenes, traverse gigantic deserts and win attrition fights!

Back From the Tavern Review

Map 1 requires a bit more right orders that it gives you so it's meant to introduce the idea of "order left then bounce".

Map 2 starts with all soldiers safely locked between the tavern and a tree. While Map 3 is supported to tell the player to lock most of the soldiers. Next maps require the player to lock soldiers as well.

The timer forces the player to control 2 soldiers at one instead of 1 by 1. But I introduce this time pressure at map 3 where the player needs to learn the locking. Putting time pressure on the player while he learns a new maneuver is a terrible mistake I did; resulting in a lot of frustration. I'll remove the time pressure from map 3 and introduce it later or make an extra map dedicated to teach "control 2 soldiers to make it in time". Making the soldiers only receive order that differ from their walking direction will also help controlling 2 of them.

I always play games in fullscreen, which definitely influences how I design them. In fullscreen, everything is bigger, making your mouse more accurate. How could I make the mouse more accurate at smaller resolutions?

The visual glitch you reported also shows up here on Linux, but only on the back of soldiers swinging the ax. Programming forums tell it's an error in the SDL2 library. I would have to rewrite most, or all, of the game display functions to solve this issue. Not impossible, but it's a lot of work.

Apparently Windows 11 can't run my game nor any of the RM2k3 games of the Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams event. Windows 8.1 is good at the job (thank you for this info) and upgrading to Windows 10 or Linux are good too. A player successfully tested my game in Windows 10.

If you have some footage of you playing my game, I would love to have a look at it. If not, don't replay the game now, wait for me to patch the issues you repotred.

Back From the Tavern Review

Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts about my game. I'm sorry it was such a terrible experience for you. I played the levels so many times while building the game that they are now extremely difficult for any player. You are right: the difficulty need a complete overhaul.

I realize there is this useful trick (unfortunately not taught in the game): when you run out of "Up" order, give a "Down" order to make the soldier bounce. Did you find and use this trick?

What operating system did you play the game on?

stuff: my 1st projet Review

1. During the dragon fight, the dog portrait appears right below the dragon and the fight seems to have no other actor on screen... As my first attempt ended so abruptly I assumed I was the dragon. On my second playtrough I noticed I was dealing damage to the dragon but decided to keep the funniest interpretation of dog-inside-a-dragon's body for the review.

2. Faye saying he's in pain makes sens now. But there is no way a player will understand it in-game because you can only visualize your status before and after the PowerUp+Heal. There is no way to visualize Faye's status after the PowerUp but before the Heal.

3. Indeed, separating PowerUp from Heal would explain the origin of the pain.

5. The first fullscreen toggle made me think I did something wrong in EasyRPG. When your game did it again I realized it was intentional. Using uncommon features is always tricky (as I tried in Red Balloon of Happiness). You made a good choice by toggling twice so the player knows it's intentional.

6. Actually, you gave it away even before I downloaded your game ;-) Your first post on your game page ask which end a player got. This immediately tells everyone that there is at least another ending. But I only started to interact with every tile after I got a Game Over.

7. I'm not sure I found it

8. The blue swirl made me think of a teleporter. Probably because most games use it as a teleporter. The player doesn't know how many map files you used. For practical or technical reasons, you've chosen the one map solution; which is good. I made a game that also uses a single map to give the illusion of visiting several rooms. Yes, the player's view on your game differs from your developer view and it also differs from the technical file structure of the game.

I think RPG Tsukuru 2003 exports the game as a single zip archive containing RPG_RT.exe, RPG_RT.ini, the maps and all the game folders. Whereas RPG MAKER 2003 exports the game as a lzh archive. Then RPG MAKER 2003 joins the lzh archive with a Window$ installer into a zip archive. To run the game with EasyRPG, you first need to unpack the lzh archive using 7Zip. I don't know anything about encrypted game files but it will very likely make your game unplayable with EasyRPG.

I'm glad reading my review made you feel good. As your game is a parody, I intentionally wrote a review with some humor.

Oneshot Review

If your PC dies/crashes? If your power goes out? If you close the game in any way, even unintentional, that's a death.
Actually, the game only registers the act of closing it normally. If your PC crashes, the power goes out or use TaskManager to kill the game, you're fine ! IIRC you could also reset the game by removing some file from the registry.

The original Oneshot was a great experience for me. It even influenced a feature in one of my games.
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