Yo. Name's Mitsuhide_The_Vagrant, but everyone calls me Mitsu for short. Also, I like video games.
Megaman X: Past Rising ...
Mega Man X RPG fan game



Time to level up my health!

JESUS CHRIST THIS TOPIC EXPLODED. I'm about to head to bed, so I don't have time to check everyone questions and suggestions right now. I'll respond tomorrow.

I will say that I haven't started anything yet because *gasp* I just got sick and was only able to get the money for the prescription this afternoon.

Whoops, more like 15 minutes. =P
I would start with a complete check up, to know exactly where you're at.

I did. Apparently, I'm healthier than I realized: good blood pressure, pulse...all that junk. I'm underweight, but that was no surprise; I've been underweight my entire life (I'm 6 feet tall, 128 lbs >.>). I did get sick though, like I mentioned before. I'm going to wait til I'm over this to start doing in major exercising. I've already started to change eating habits, though: I actually ate breakfast for once--I had some yogurt, fruit, orange juice, plain white milk (which I hardly ever drink), and some bacon. I really enjoyed it and it made me wonder why I don't eat breakfast more often.

Just asking quickly something that might cause your frequent headaches, Mitsu, are your teeth messed up or has a dentist ever said you might need dental braces? Why I'm asking this is because if you have problems with malocclusion, crossbite, overbite adadadsdfc, those can cause hell of headaches especially later.

Technically, I consider my teeth misshapen, but my dentist has never said I needed braces or anything. I think it's more my living environment that causes headaches: DUST. DUST EVERYWHERE.

Or this:
Oh, btw. Your headaches are probably caused by poor posture. Too much sitting at the comp is usually the culprit...

(does a flight of steps make you breath faster?)

Fortunately, no. I honestly would be scared if that ever happened.

...I've heard repeatedly that the simple act of taking a walk on a daily basis does wonders to improving one's health.

This is probably why I was healthier than I thought I was. I live on my college campus and I walk just about EVERYWHERE. I have a car, yeah, but I only use it if where I need to go isn't within a decent walking distance. There's a convenient store in walking distance to my school, so I might take trips to there more often.

You wouldn't believe from what kind of cripples, scrawny scrunts became athletic monsters, so using excuses as "I will never be athletic" or " I dont have the body for it" is bullshit, its like with talent, some people have talent, but whats it good for if they dont sharpen it.

You know, my mother always says shit like "You're not fat; you don't need to exercise," all the time. It kind of pisses me off because people shouldn't just exercise only if their overweight. I want to be healthy, feel good about it, and just live a better lifestyle; that's the whole reason this topic was started. Point is, I never say shit like that, Bonehead11, so I completely agree.

Shadow boxing is fun, add that to the mix

Aw, hell yeah.

How do you guys deal with the fact that exercise is ridiculously boring?

I understand your sentiments, but I agree with Feld. Especially when I have friends to do it with.

Find a sport (that requires a lot of movement) that you like. Find some people to play it with. Play it a few times a week. Done.

A friend of mine introduced me to badminton. I love it. I haven't gone with him in a while though. Next time he goes, hopefully I won't be busy and I can tag along.

I did a bit of working out in high school because all that peer pressure shit: I lifted some really light weights and did crunches and push-ups. I think I'll just start out doing that stuff again, along with a jog once or twice a week. I'll probably go with one or two of my friends to the gym to work out, as well, maybe catch a game of badminton. Also, I'd like to start going to breakfast more often. Since this semester has started, I probably have only gone to breakfast maybe 3 times. Yes, it's horrible, I know. The past week, though, I've been drinking more water with my lunch and dinner and almost every time ate some fruit (though, I love fruit anyway, so that was easy to decide); pears, peaches, and bananas, mostly. I f-ing love pears. Oh, and cantaloupe. My girlfriend loves mangoes, and I'm all like "WTF mangoes?" I've never tried just a plain mango. She's half Mexican, though, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Anyway, the diet aspect of this endeavor has already started. Once I finish taking my antibiotics next week and I get over whatever-the-fuck this is, I'll start working out. Wish me luck!

Time to level up my health!

Lately, I've been feeling very drowsy and have been getting frequent headahces, not to mention I've just felt genuinely unhealthy in the past few months. My diet is very...not good, to put it simply; the food served in my college's cafeteria is somewhat, I feel, part of the cause. Of course, I generally make poor meal choices despite healthier choices being readily available. Not only that, but my fitness/exercise habits have pretty much been non-existent, which probably contributes to my frequent headaches, too.

I feel like I need to remedy this to avoid future health problems, as to avoid any health-related complications down the road--like heart-attack, stroke, etc.--since the possibility of that kind of stuff happening to me scares me, anyway. I also started what I'd probably consider the first serious relationship in my entire life a few weeks ago, so I want to maintain my health for not only my sake, but for her's, too.

I made this topic because I want some health advice in terms of diet and exercise:
-What kinds of food should I start eating, other than salads, and how often is it okay to eat unhealthy foods like pizza and whatnot?
-What's a good exercise routine to follow? Is it okay to just do stuff like aerobics and jogging once a week or something? And how often should I exercise?
-Is my body going to have to adjust to these new lifestyle changes? Like, hypothetically, if I'm exercising and I just pass out of throw my guts up, should I be VERY worried, or...what?

Such a lifestyle is completely foreign to me, but, since I'm an adult now, I feel I should start considering making a change like this for the better. I'm just curious if any of you guys or girls live a lifestyle like this already and have any personal advice for me.


My diet consists of everything that is bad for you. lol.

Seriously though, my diet is probably terrible and most is contributing to the pain I'm feeling right now (I just went for a jog). I've been feeling unhealthy as of late; frequent headaches, that sort of thing.

Final Fantasy: Endless Nova

I've beaten Endless Nova. I even did some of endgame sidequests. Hell, I wouldn't mind playing it again.

Fire God Saga

I don't remember who made the game, but I do remember what happened to it. Someone posted a review that criticized the game and the creator threw a fit and soon enough toke the game down.

What a baby he is.

People criticized and trolled me about my Mega Man game but, as you can see, it's still here. 8/

Sucker Punch!

It was good movie. You guys just don't understand.

That, or it struck a psychology chord in you so strongly you want to forget it existed. You want to escape reality. WHO ARE YOU RUNNING FROM?

post your picture

Krysty, though it probably was the point, that outfit makes you look like a tomboy. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

It looks good on you.

Any Pittsburgh PA (USA) people here?

Nope. I'm down in Looz-e-anna.

Mog's (Semi) Daily Game Recommendations (games you should play why haven't you yet)

I have a feeling you'll be mentioning Street Fighter 3 Third Strike whilst mentioning that's it's probably the best fighting game every made (and there would be many people that would back you up on that).

Or you might not. Sorry, but I'm starting to associate you with the SF, "Oh, Feldschlacht IV? Yeah he's the guy that likes Street Fighter."