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It feels like we should have a list of Letterboxd accounts on the main post here... Here's mine: LINK

Last movie I watched with my friend was Icebreaker. Sean Astin before LotR fame., playing a search and rescue type on a ski resort and having to fight terrorists. Funny as hell and surprisingly featuring Bruce Campbell in the villain slot. Definitely a watch for those who want a stupid ass rule of cool movie. 2.5 Stars out of 5.

Is AI generated art ethical?

I'm sure they won't like to hear it either :P

In fact they were happy to, and the overwhelming majority disagreed. They reassured me. Only I was vulnerable to self-doubt in that regard, due to my own experiences. But they knew what I knew, that there is no difference. The toolset one uses to create does not dictate the quality of the creation.

Not ridiculous at all. Skill and talent are different things though. I never mentioned talent.
Skills are something you can develop, Talent you either have or you don't.

As Bob Ross once said: "Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do."

Art was born of religion

Pray tell, what religion did the ancient cave painters follow? What religion compelled our earliest ancestors to draw their hunt onto the wall of their homes?

Nonsense. Art is born of the soul, not of doctrine.

Honestly, I don't even listen to much music from the 90's, but I believe there was still good music back then, and then it became rarer and rarer. I also picked that date because soon afterwards was when digital music became much more prevalent.

Your rose glasses are showing. Over time we only remember, or indeed, history only preserves the greatest of the great in art. It's ignorance to assume that any one period of time produced an undeniably lower class of creation, because you only remember the pinnacle of what time has passed.

I collect movies, so I know this. People say "movies were better back in the 80s/90s/70s/etc, but every era had the same amount of low quality drivel being shovelled into it. The difference being that as time passes we don't remember it. The same will be said of today's era once it reaches a proper age.

Is AI generated art ethical?

I wouldn't have a problem saying AI Art was art either, providing the AI was actually self aware and we determined that such things are living creatures and therefore had that same "soul" in them to create. I'd be very interested at that point, like looking at art an alien made.

On this day in 2009...

If you ever need to give me an opportunity to get my name in the credits and contribute some small piece of art then I'm open for taking advantage of that opportunity for cool guy points

Congrats on the birthday, RMNDad

Is AI generated art ethical?

Well, it will certainly be an interesting question to pose to the artists I know. I don't intend to argue it any further, though, you're free to believe what you want on that.

Is AI generated art ethical?

There's no lack of skill promoted by digital art platforms. You still have to make the decisions, to learn and refine your abilities and understand the methods to create work through it. Nor did it make traditional art "extinct", That's a ridiculous claim to make, and frankly an insulting one- if someone choose to use digital art tools they are no less of an artist. They share the same craft in a different workstation/medium, they still practise it.

But you hit on something that's been in my head about AI art recently. The lack of learning, or experimenting, or craft is an issue. It brought to mind that famous quote from Jurassic Park:

Um, I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you wanna sell it. Well...

Not to say it's a 1:1 there, but. It's something that feels like a deliberate ignorance, self-deprivation from learning or understanding, and the end creation is hollow because there's no human emotion in it. You can almost tell when you're looking at something an AI made because of that. Then when you deprive yourself of it, you deprive others from feeling that humanity in art, that soul that makes you want to create for yourself. It becomes nothing more than a cheap ready-meal you throw in the microwave to satiate an urge. It becomes meaningless.

I dunno. I find it hard to elaborate my thoughts on it, but I don't like it. I'm not worried as an artist because I make art for myself in the end. A machine could never replace my own "soul".

What are you thinking about right now?

Yeah, that's the problem I'm having as well. I'd like to practise more writing and character design but I find it hard to break out of that mindset where it needs to be part of a "project" or it needs to represent "progress" on something. I find it hard to just make things in a vacuum.

There's so much fun stuff here

Yeah, a while ago I decided to try and visit the forums more often. I went through the completed games and downloaded a bunch of stuff, cause I realized over all these years I never made time to actually play RM games. Going back through the lists and posting on the forum reminded me of why I like making games in RM despite how janky and shitty it can be.

Still enjoy the discord though, always a nice little break from work to go and chat with people. I probably spend more time there than most because I have a few foreign friends I talk to every day, but only through Discord PMs.

Making games is harder than I thought

The story of my life since College

Is AI generated art ethical?

"AI and robots will save us from the drudgery of tedious tasks, allowing us humans to pursue uniquely human things, like art and writing!"

Techbros: "Hey guess what we're training to AI to do!"

Every single time