I would have more makerscore If I did things.
” ”

SRW2: Yoshi's Archipelag...
More Islands = Better



Twisted Fairy Tales

I'm probably going to be doing one about Masha and the Bear.
To give it a darker twist, I'll be upping the stake dramatically. Hopefully the gameplay ideas I have are good enough =X

Jackalotrun Plays - Super RMN World

They can!
Just not score it. give it a score that affects its overall star rating.

[Poll] How do you pronounce kentona?

I usually just go by profile picture

which is why I think "Oh, who's this new guy" when it was just kentona or dudesoft again

and why I get people with Link avatars and such confused

Swap in the Middle with Two

Alright, I'll throw my hat in the ring! Chances are if I have the time to make a first half, then I'll have the time to finish another. If I don't have time to make a first half... well, then I won't get a second half anyways!

I have Steam Versions of Rpg Maker 2000, Rpg Maker 2003, VX, VX ACE, and XP.
With VX and XP not being installed.

What are you thinking about right now?

I dunno, man... I've tried sleeping while being surrounded by the booming of thunder and the unevenness is something I'm not keen on reliving. I know right when I get nice and comfy, BOOM, and I jump. And I'm not talking that rumbling thunder, I mean the loud, popping kind. Makes me want to wrap my pillow around my head.

Well, you don't get that same feeling from a video of a thunderstorm, do you?

I've never gone to a legit concert (I don't include the weak performance at this anime convention I went to), though I have gone to see an orchestra perform at least twice in my life. I was most certainly there for the music, not the crowd.

And I bet it sounded great, what with the acoustics of the theatre enhancing the orchestra's sound.

Point is, most things just offer more when seen/done in real life, whether what it offers is good or bad. It's something that should be appreciated, or at least acknowledged, not dismissed and assumed that you could get basically the same experience from a Simple Rick's Wafer Cookie.

What are you thinking about right now?

There's Google for that.

A Google image or even a video is absolutely not an equal replacement for actually standing outside, hearing the pouring rain yourself- Feeling the boom of the thunder as the lightning streaks across the sky- the entire freaking sky, not just the length of your video player- is something no youtube video or stock footage can replicate.
For the same reason you bother going to a concert, in a crowd of people packed like sardines and maybe smelling just as bad. You don't just listen to the music, you feel the energy of the performers and the audience that bring the experience far above what your speakers can replicate.

otherwise yeah, bright-eyes naivety is literally stabbed to death by reality.


Ah, so that's where I left it.

RMN Tagline Thread

"I fear not the man who released 10.000 games once, but I fear the man who has released one game 10.000 times"

Levelling Up! Create your Birthday Character!

Phew, now that I've waited three years, I can just do a re-spec!

Level 20!
STATS (100 Pts.)
Health: 17
Mana: 9
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 27
Luck: 3

Fire: 8
Wind: 8
Non-Elemental: 4

Weapon/Armor(20 Pts.)

New member incoming!

Welcome to RMN! Spread that creativity around so that we may leech it off you. You can keep the laughs.

But seriously, go ahead and post the old game here so we can play it and see what'll be new with the sequel!

oh, it also required by site rules* to give a reference to whatever anime gif you post.

*not really