"It's hard to find the balance when you are in love.
You're lost in the middle cause you have to decide between mind & heart."

― Enigma



"What's the hardest game you've ever played?"

The game of life ain't that hard. The game of love however...

Also, pretty much every game with optional dungeons/bosses. I can't almost never beat those... I'm such a filthy casual. u_u

What are you thinking about right now?

What are you thinking about right now?

The biggest mess up I've ever see in regard to anime OPs is the English version of Candy Candy.

The Spanish version respects the melody but still changes the lyrics some, perhaps by necessity.

Check the original tho. Beautiful.

Getting serious for a moment here. I'm glad the discussion took this more casual and didactic turn. I hope we can all recognize that there's merit in both, adapting a source material to a new audience AND keeping it the same/as closest to the original as posible. So it's not that localization HAS TO BE THIS ONE THING only... Many people love watching anime with subs rather than dubbed for this very reason; many people hack or mod videogames for this very reason; so it's not like there's not a market for it. And I hope we start to see more of it. I think it's only fair to artists/developers that we experience their work as they originally envisioned it.

What are you thinking about right now?

against society's sigmas

Haha! Did I really type "sigmas"? I guess this is my subconscious telling me to play the Mega Man X series again. =P

Video thread

What are you thinking about right now?

Goddammit! I always make it late to the drama. xD ...I just wanted to add that while I support the whole "It's always the developers choice" thing. Let's be frank about it. There's only so much pressure that a person or even a big company can withstand. If you were at the receiving end of that kind of pressure you'd probably understand. And one thing that confounds me is that usually the kind of people who complain about this sort of stuff -DO KNOW- or should know, what it's like to be prejudiced against, to feel ostracized, to fight every day against society's stigmas, and yet, they have no qualm in acting in the same way towards others.

...Criticism is a good thing. It's a positive force of change. There IS such a thing as gaining a deeper understanding on things, and changing your mind on issues. There IS such a thing as reaching out to other people and finding a middle ground that benefits us all the most. And it's not like we're talking about a one-way street either, so there's always room for dialogue. But real criticism sounds more like: "People may not be into thing because reason, please consider that" and less like: "Thing is bad and should not exist, and anyone who is into thing is bad person" which unfortunately is something that I see too often around here. =/

Edit: Complementary cute animals picture.


Haha! Are those giant rats? I hope they're someone pet rats. Otherwise Arcadia doesn't look like a place I'd like to visit. xD

Edit: Wait, maybe they're pigs?

What are you thinking about right now?

SO! I learned that I need something called "Tweeterdeck". That's just great. I finally got my ass to join this one thing, but now I need this other thing to make the first thing work properly. What an oversight! ...And on top of that, I'm always kinda paranoid about using my passwords on third-party services, so I don't know if it's even worth it. xP

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

Lagrange Point. Probably the best rpg on the NES, if you don't count the classics. Or maybe even if you do. It depends...

This is not your classic high fantasy rpg. This one is set in a space station and you fight against hordes of mutants and killer robots. It has amazing graphics and a colorful cast of characters that for some reason I liken to Chrono Trigger's, though maybe not as good or fleshed out, but alright for a NES game. It has a set of cool game mechanics as well, like the fact that you need "MP" even for regular attacks, so you need to be careful not to just spam attack all the time. Again, nothing groundbreaking, but nice for the time...

But probably the most interesting feature is the ability to combine weapons to create new ones. That alone will keep you on your toes trying to find the right weapon for each specific part of the game. Selling old weapons and buying new ones to try new combinations. I found the entire game very well balanced around this mechanic, with no difficulty ramps or too much grinding that would hinder your experience. It felt really smooth from start to finish... So, if you're not above emulation and you haven't checked it out yet, do so.

What are you thinking about right now?

lol everything is "bad" and "icky" to you guys. Never change...
ANYWAY. I recently joined Twitter. So far I've discovered how to subscribe to people, but I don't know how to subscribe to #hashtags. Like, I want to keep an eye on game development related hashtags without having to type them on the search box every time, but I can't find the option anywhere. The closest I've found is subscribing to bots, but that's not the same... Tips anyone?