I'm a college student. I like games. I'm making some with Super Mario Bros X. I also like to watch Let's Plays. Mostly BoboTheVulture and MysteriousJG.



Revised Approach

I time traveled 4 months into the future and nothing has changed!

Super RMN World

It's low quality, apparently.

Huh. Never noticed that. But compared to the high quality tracks, I guess it is kinda not quite as good.

Super RMN World

Hey everyone, we all know how awful the default sound and music is on smbx.

Wait, what's wrong with the default sound?

Castles Masterpiece Set 2

well, we kind of have an underwhelming number of submissions to this. any plans to redress this?

I have been very slowly piecing together a rather mediocre fortress level for world 2. That should help.

Castles Masterpiece Set 2

"Shroomland Forest This area's castle has many plants, especially mushrooms, and many piranha plant enemies! The foundation of this castle is blue-green bricks."

Mushrooms are not plants.

Super RMN World

Since this has been featured, if I streamed a playthrough on Twitch, would people watch it?
Since this has been featured, if I streamed a playthrough on Twitch, would people watch it?

I'd watch it. When?

Castles Masterpiece Set 2

How about Ratty524_3_PursuitPalace_4/5_2

No, it should be DevName_ZipCode_World_LevelName_Version_SSN_AnnualWageEarnings_#yolo

Super RMN World

Do it. I could use the vacation!
Don't actually do it plzkthx

Well it's a moot point anyhow. I just took a poll, and 97% of the RMN population voted to let me annex the next game.

Castles Masterpiece Set 2

i know this will sound weird but your profile picture sorta reminds me of malcom mcdowell Ratty

Oh man, can we have a Caligula-themed castle?

Super RMN World