The Arms of Reverie
The world is divided by a great darkness known as the Nebula. The Dark forces, led by an Evil Prince are trying to gain control of an ancient power and finish war that began over a thousand years ago.



tpasmall's workshop

Small update, I did a couple faces, still working on castor's stuff but I've been mostly working on my game so I haven't been doing too much graphical stuff. I going to try put together some overworld tilesets (made from other peoples stuff) at some point coming up too.

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Short games, yay or nay?

I'm actually a fan of town hoppers. It's one of things I liked about FF7.

As for making a short game, maybe you could make a few puzzles to slow the game down a little bit. Yeah it can be a short game, but it would make it more mentally stimulating since you'd probably spend a good amount of the game battling mobs instead of building the story.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Yeah the chibi looking ones are ok, but I'm learning how much better stuff is out there, ha. I'm leaning towards the one on the top left, mostly because of the setting. I tried mixing the trees and the colors just don't match.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

which of these three sets of trees look the best for this screenshot? It's supposed to be an abandoned camp in the woods.

Story trigger problems

For my game, the main character isn't really apparent until halfway through the story. The story and game play revolve around another character until something major happens and the back story to the game is revealed. Up until that point, the game is pretty cliche. The problem I foresee with my story is keeping people hooked up until that point.

Please delete my account

You're like the anti-christ of RMN.

Please delete my account

...there are stakes?

maybe he meant steaks.

Please delete my account

I'm a newcomer to the whole process and while I've gotten a couple negative comments, overall this community has been pretty great. More nerdy then I hoped for, but I guess any online forum for indie game making is going to be full of nerds. I also hate how absolutely no one gets sarcasm whatsoever.

RMVX Mountain Maps

And shift key doesn't remove the shadows either. I'm slowly easing out of the RTP tiles, but I've only been at this two months so aesthetics isn't my main priority right now as I'm still hammering out the storyline.