I enjoy playing and creating games (mostly RPGs) and have a love of story and characterisation above graphics. I've been into RM* since '96 and have used all makers - started on the PSX makers, found and used a patched version of the SNES RM, then moved to RM95. When I found RM2K I finally decided to join some forums and I've been a part of the community ever since.

Absolute Justice

Site last broken: 7th January, 2017
Before that: 24th May 2016
Wolf and Kid
Save your best friend, a wolf.


Accepting Game Profile Developer etc...

Thought: Because of the current Heir of the King debacle, we may require a way for people added to game profiles to say no and exclude themselves from said game. As it stands anyone can add anyone to their game saying they were developers. I can see this as being exploited. After all, how long before someone adds people that are well known, just to garner attention.

"Hey look! They have such and such on the project so the graphics/music/gameplay/plot must be good!"

This... could get out of hand. Thoughts?


Okay, so some of we judges have been LPing the Crash Course Nugget VXA competition entries. Some have done more than others. Some will only do a few, others will do them all. For some the LPs have nothing to do with the actual judging. For others, it is the judging or a part of it.

This is a thread dedicated to these LPs. The initial post will have a list of links to either the media pages of the LPs or the LPs themselves. Judges can post up the videos of new LPs as they go along.

Deckiller's LPs
Death Lord - Media Page
Heir of King - Media Page

To cool to do it too~<3

Liberty's LPs
~alterperfect~ - Media Page
Death Lord - Media Page
Heir of the King - Media Page
Terra - Media Page
The King's Aces - Media Page
The Legend of Ace - Media Page
The Only One Left - Part 1 : Part 2
The Quest of Dude III: The Omega Quest - Media Page
Uchioniko - Media Page

Nessiah's LPs
~alterperfect~ - Media Page
Adventure Ace - Media Page
Death Lord - Media Page
Following the Sun - Media Page
Heir of the King - Media Page
In Search For Dragons - Media Page
Island of Farnor - Media Page
Lucidity - Media Page
Steve - Media Page
The Legend of Ace - Media Page

~ Merry Christmas A RMN! ~

Hope your day is full of great memories and lots of fun!

Leave your Christmas wishes in this topic!

Hope everyone has a great day and lots of fun! Merry Christmas RMN! ~Liberty

Script Help! Refreshing a battle script...

Okay, so I found a script that works well with my other one, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get it to work how I'd like so I figure I'll ask here. (It's been a while since I needed to. :P)

So here's the low down -
I'm using KGC's LargeParty script to have characters swap in and out of the battle each turn (only one character of eight in battle at a time). I've also got this Actor Battler script which let's me have a battler (a la RMXP) show up on the screen. The problem I'm having is that it won't refresh the battler after a change.

How do I make it refresh/check if the actor has changed? As it stands, when I change character the same portrait shows up every time - after I take a turn, when I end the battle...
I'd like it to refresh before your turn, or ideally after you switch party members. Any ideas?

Oh yeah, here's the script (It's pretty big >.<;:

# ** Actor_Battler Module
# A module containing configurable data for the Actor Battler Graphic system.

module Actor_Battler
# Actor battler array
ACTOR = # Do not touch -_^

# ** C O N F I G U R A T I O N S Y S T E M ** #

# --Positioning--
# Actor Battler positioning system
CENTER_X = true # If true, centers actors rather than default lineup.
DEFAULT_X = 8 # Default party Max
SCREEN_Y = 400 # Vertical height of battlers
SCREEN_X = 0 # Vertical height of battlers
TRANSPARENT = false # If true, makes lightly transparent until attacking.

# --Actor List--
# Add your actor battlers here
# Actor# Filename, Hue (optional)
ACTOR[1] = ["Battle - Sorionne"]
ACTOR[2] = ["Battle - Denn"]
ACTOR[3] = ["Battle - Vila", 0]
ACTOR[4] = ["Battle - Lourne", 0]
ACTOR[5] = ["Battle - Orcas", 0]
ACTOR[6] = ["Battle - Mielle", 0]
ACTOR[7] = ["Battle - Hellem", 0]
ACTOR[8] = ["Battle - Ruon", 0]

# ** E N D O F C O N F I G U R A T I O N ** #

# ** RPG Module
# A module containing RPGVX Data Structures.
module RPG
# ** Actor
# Data class for actors
class Actor
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_init initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
@battler_name = ""
@battler_hue = 0

# ** Game_Temp
# This class handles temporary data that is not included with save data.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_temp.

class Game_Temp
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :battle_main_phase # battle flag: main phase
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Set the main phase flag to false
@battle_main_phase = false

# ** Game_System
# This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :actorbattler_max # Max. size for centered battlers
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Set 'Centered' battler max to 4 (default)
@actorbattler_max = Actor_Battler::DEFAULT_X

# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :screen_x # battle screen X coordinate
attr_accessor :screen_y # battle screen Y coordinate
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_init initialize
# * Object Initialization
# actor_id : actor ID
def initialize(actor_id)
# Perform the original call
# Apply battler graphic
@battler_name = Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][0]
# Apply battler hue if exists, else default of '0'
if Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][1] != nil
@battler_hue = Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][1]
@battler_hue = 0
# * Change Battler
# battler_name : new battler graphic filename
# battler_hue : new battler hue setting (default = 0)
def set_battler(battler_name = "", battler_hue = 0)
@battler_name = battler_name
@battler_hue = battler_hue
# * Use Sprites?
def use_sprite?
return true
# * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
def screen_x
return Actor_Battler::SCREEN_X
# * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
def screen_y
return Actor_Battler::SCREEN_Y
# * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
def screen_z
# Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
if self.index != nil
return $game_party.members.size - self.index
return 0

# ** Sprite_Battler
# This sprite is used to display battlers. It observes a instance of the
# Game_Battler class and automatically changes sprite conditions.

class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_update update
# * Frame Update
def update
# Perform the original call
# If the actor battlers are lightly transparent until they act
if Actor_Battler::TRANSPARENT == true
# If the battler is a visible actor battler
if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and @battler_visible
# Bring opacity level down a bit when not in main phase
if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
self.opacity += 3 if self.opacity < 255
self.opacity -= 3 if self.opacity > 207

# ** Spriteset_Battle
# This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the
# Scene_Battle class.

class Spriteset_Battle
# * Create Actor Sprite
# Removes the 'empty' battler image used by the default system and
# replaces it. It also observes the actual size of the party and
# not a predetermined 4-party limit.
def create_actors
@actor_sprites = []
for actor in $game_party.members.reverse
@actor_sprites.push(, actor))
# * Update Actor Sprite
def update_actors
# Reset actor battler sprites if party size increases
if $game_party.members.size > @actor_sprites.size
for sprite in @actor_sprites

# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
# * Alias Listings
alias actorbattler_s start
alias actorbattler_spcs start_party_command_selection
alias actorbattler_pv process_victory
alias actorbattler_ea execute_action
# * Start processing
def start
$game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
# * Start party command selection
def start_party_command_selection
if $game_temp.in_battle
$game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
# * Victory Processing
def process_victory
$game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
# * Start Execution of Battle Processing
def execute_action
$game_temp.battle_main_phase = true

Any help is definitely appreciated!

~ Manor Map Madness ~ (Sign Ups)


MaMaMa is a community mapping event where you are assigned a room in a haunted manor house and map it out, making it as atmospheric as you can. This means you use music, sound, overlays and coding to your advantage. At the end all the rooms will be stitched together to create a spooky manor house!

We will be using the Mack and Blue (REFMAP) tiles and the maker will be RM2K3 - mainly because scripts are too fiddly and, well, squares. :P


- You have two (2) weeks to create a map from scratch using the materials provided. The two weeks start on the 3rd of October and end on the 17th.
- Sign up via this thread. You have until the 2nd of October to do so.
- Rooms will be randomly chosen for each person. On the night of the 2nd you will receive a PM with room details. For example, you may get the Wine Cellar, which may have two exits - a secret passage and a staircase out. You can design where those exits are in relation to the room, but they must be included.
- If you need variables or switches let me know. I will assign you a number set to use.


- You MUST use the chipsets provided. I don't mind if you edit them but the graphical consistency should be maintained!
- If you do edit the chipsets, please rename them as described in the submission rules below.
- You may use any music, sound effects, overlays and pictures that you wish.
- Character Sets should be in the RTP style.
- Your room must have an exit. Create an event on that spot and call it EXIT.
- No database. NADA! ZILCH! ZERO! NIL!
- - You MAY use the default Battle animations.


- Rooms are due on the 17th October, though you can submit them before then.
- Send them via PM.
- Archive your project files. You may include a project or just the maps and resources (in their folders), but I'd prefer a project so I can easily import the information to the main project.
- Name the project so I know whose it is or what room it is.
- Switches and Variables named for easy moving.
- Please name all resources like so: YOURNAME/DESCRIPTION/NUMBER.filetype
For example, a shadow overlay would be LibertyShadow01.png (I'll accept shortenings like LIBSHAD1 or even LIBPIC1 as long as it's consistant) This is to make things easier during compilation. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do this!



Q: Can I use more than one map for my room?
Yes, but don't go overboard. Three maps at the most and clearly label teleportable spots as such (For example, event called T:Broom Cupboard)

Q: Is it just gonna be the house or is there a plan to use it for something?
IF we get everything done in a timely manor (;P) then there may be a small something done. Perhaps. I make no promises... but there is an idea swimming around this ol' brain of mine!

Q: Can we use custom charasets/insert something here?
Yes, as long as it kinda fits the RTP or REFMAP styles.

Q: Multiple rooms. Can we have more than one room?
Yes, you can ask for more than one room, HOWEVER your second room will be chosen out of the left overs of the first room designation 'round'. Don't worry, there's a lot of rooms to go around!

Q: But what if my map isn't that good? I can't do very good atmosphere!
Do your best! We're not asking for perfection or anything, so just do what you can!

Q: What kind of information will we get?
The details I'll send you will be pretty sparse. They'll include the name of the room, perhaps a general description - especially for rooms like the Solarium or Butterfly house - as well as how many exits the room has, maybe even where the exit is located or what type it is, whether or not there's a secret passage or something of interest in the room (like a window or balcony in a certain direction) and the switch/variable range that you are assigned. If you need more information, just PM me and I'll get back to you asap!

Q: I'm not sure I can make this map scary!
Feel free to mess with tints, lighting, sound and music. Also remember that you can steal parts from the other chipsets provided to make your room more atmospheric. Just remember that if you do edit a chipset, rename it! :P (Also, charactersets are fine, if you can find some that suit the style...)

Q: So what's going to happen at the end? What will the maps be like? Playable? A game? Exploration or ...?
I've had some questions about this and while I would like to keep it mostly a secret, I will let loose a few details.

- It will be exploration but there will be some areas that are off-limits at the start.
- There will be three main floors.
- Anything you put together will be easily added so don't think that what you do will be too weird or boring to fit with everyone else. The conformity is in the graphics. :D
- At the end it will be playable and there will be a character to play as.
- If you want to have a combined puzzle aspect just let me know what kind of 'something' you need. For instance, if you want someone with another room to have a switch-based 'item' to be found let me know and I'll let them know or I'll add it in afterwards.

Q: How high should I make the walls in my room?
If it's an inside room, please keep it to two tiles in height. I could work around it if you really need it to be more, and certain areas should be fine as higher - the chapel or insectarium for example - but if you aren't sure then just ask.

Switches and Variables
Q: How many do I get?
You will be given a number range of 20 switches(equal to one page) and 10 variables (equal to half a page). That means that when you go into the switch/variable table you use the switch numbers you've been given and no others. So say you were given the switches 40-60, that doesn't mean you get 50 or so switches, but that you get switches 40, 41, 42, 43, 43, 43... all the way to switch 59.

Q: What if I don't use them all?
If you don't use them all, no problem. Just leave them blank.

Q: What if I need more?
If you need more, just PM me ASAP and I will send you another 20 for your use. Just remember to name the ones you use in case there's a bug or I need to sort them for some reason so I know which are used and which aren't.




Max McGee


blue means details have been sent
green means submission has been received


This folder contains most REFMAP chipsets and some object character sets. Leave passability blank - I'll fill it in afterwards.

Any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment!

Classic/Older game profiles?

Everyone has that one game that they really wish had a game page so they could show appreciation or discuss it, but isn't on the site. Older games whose creators have dropped off the map or can't be found, obscure games that may be in another language, etc.

So how about some sort of classic/old/obscure game profile thingy? A simple page - set up by someone (most likely a dummy account expressly set for this purpose so as not to abuse MS or credit) containing only a description, a few screenshots and maybe an off-site download - where fans can talk about their experiences and express their enjoyment of the game.

Maybe in their own section or under a 'classic/obscure' tag?

I don't know, but it could be an good way to create a more cohesive collection.

Thoughts on this?

Returned from beyond the never-never

Hey guys and gals! Wassup? It's me, Liberty and I've finally returned! And wow, does the site look kickin' or what?

Okay, so I've been away a while and hey, I know many of you don't really care why, but for the few who do, here's the lowdown.

So, a LOT of things happened whilst I was away. Between car accidents, family problems, travelling, interrupted moving (twice!) money issues and computer crap let's just say I've been really, really busy. Like, super busy.

That and my computer was taken away by some assholes who, while it was in their custody, wiped it clean of, oh, EVERYTHING! Bastards. Thank God I had at least some sort of back-up, though it is an old one, so I lost a lot of stuff. ;.;
(FYI, I only found this out two days ago. Imagine the anger, my friends. Imagine it. There was more than a little Hulk rage happening.)

So, yeah, finally got the internet back on (like a whole 5 minutes ago - first stop? RMN! Of course.) and, well, that's that. I've returned. If anyone wants me to expand on anything, just ask. There's far too much to tell in one sitting.

TL;DR? I'm back after all kinds of crazy shit went down.

Deleting PMs

I know it's not a largely necessary thing compared to other things on the site that are in need of developing, but is there any way of making it so that you can delete PMs in bulk?

I've been silly enough to allow 11 pages to pile up and well, I'd have to go into each PM and delete them one at a time. Maybe something like what we have for the Lockers might be a good idea? Check boxes and what-not?

Anyway, just a thought!

[VX] Battle Scripting - One character in battle

Well, I'm looking for a battle script to use in Lands Hope. Basically I've searched for pokemonesque battle systems, Final Fantasy 10-2 battle systems and have asked on some other forums, but haven't had much luck.

Ultimately I'd have liked a system that was like pokemon with the one-on-one battling and front-style, but more like FFX/X2 with regards to the character swapping and with a Grandia-type battle turn counter. Also having it work with most other scripts would have been nice. ^.^

That said, I realize I'm not likely to get what I wanted, so I've broken down what I need into two parts.
1) A battle system that allows only the lead character to battle. So, I have eight players in the party, but when entering battle only the leader will be called to the field.
2) The ability to swap the current character during battle.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be a very thankful RMNette. So, help? Please?

Preview Button on PMs

It's not a big deal, but could we get a preview for PMs? When you send a PM off you can't preview it to see if it's okay or not and, well, it may be an idea to incorporate. Just a thought! ^.^