I am one half of Outhouse Studios.
I like to make films, games and comics.
During the day I teach Japanese and during the night I perform as a fire twirler or acrobat when I can get the work.
My favorite genres and styles are: Horror, Sci-fi, Western and fantasy.
I like to make films, games and comics.
During the day I teach Japanese and during the night I perform as a fire twirler or acrobat when I can get the work.
My favorite genres and styles are: Horror, Sci-fi, Western and fantasy.
The Eyes Of The Forest
Thanks for that. I thought about doing that actually but I settled on just making the edges of the screen a little darker in the town its self. It's a very large map that players will spend a lot of time navigating around so I didn't want to make it needlessly difficult by limiting their view, It wouldn't really add much to the atmosphere.
Thanks for the constructive feedback though. I like that there is some clarity lost in the mist when you walk around the town. It gets thicker and thinner, as does the rain. I will turn the mist off and see how it looks but I don't think I'll like it as much.
Thanks for the constructive feedback though. I like that there is some clarity lost in the mist when you walk around the town. It gets thicker and thinner, as does the rain. I will turn the mist off and see how it looks but I don't think I'll like it as much.
Why don't we use EXEs
Yes it does seem that rpg make has problems with fonts sometimes. I've installed a font patch and mine looks very nice when I test play. When testers have installed the .exe I give them, the font has come across too, which is nice. It's probably one that Microsoft already comes with as standard.
I'd like to try downloading this .exe making program that you spoke about so that people who don't automatically have the font won't get stuck with that horrible block one. I'm also interested to know how people manage to give their games their own .ico files. I can make icons but I don't know ow to make rpg maker display them instead of the RPG_RT graphic of the guy with the sword.
He can render pictures but then there would be millions of pictures and the event string would be miles long. The opening cinematic is pretty long and it has sound effects, etc...dong it as pictures or battle animations would just be a nightmare for two people who are used to video editing software and 3D modeling.
The rest of the cinematics are only 3-4 seconds long so they could be done as a series of pictures, I expect. But why bother since the .avi files will only be 6 meg or so anyway.
I'd like to try downloading this .exe making program that you spoke about so that people who don't automatically have the font won't get stuck with that horrible block one. I'm also interested to know how people manage to give their games their own .ico files. I can make icons but I don't know ow to make rpg maker display them instead of the RPG_RT graphic of the guy with the sword.
Is the 3D guy unable to render image sequences or something? you can also use show picture with wait commands inbetween to animate at any size.
He can render pictures but then there would be millions of pictures and the event string would be miles long. The opening cinematic is pretty long and it has sound effects, etc...dong it as pictures or battle animations would just be a nightmare for two people who are used to video editing software and 3D modeling.
The rest of the cinematics are only 3-4 seconds long so they could be done as a series of pictures, I expect. But why bother since the .avi files will only be 6 meg or so anyway.
Set Discrepancy
Resident Evil: Deadly Reality
I've looked at this image on 3 different people's computers and on an ipad. On the computers I could clearly see every tile on the roofs and I would definitely not say it was too dark. On the ipad it was a little darker but still very visible.
The brightness of your monitor is set way too low man, This is pretty normal on most people's monitors.
Check out this guy's resident evil. It's a lot darker than mine and it's EPIC!
Check out this guy's resident evil. It's a lot darker than mine and it's EPIC!
The Eyes Of The Forest
Thanks for that, Marrend. I've been trying to upload the game here but it fails after a couple of hours so I'll do as you suggest. ^_^
Ok, I've sorted that out and now it'll be tallying how many people use the download link. A few people got it from rapidshare even before the link appeared at the top. : ) Were you one of them?
Ok, I've sorted that out and now it'll be tallying how many people use the download link. A few people got it from rapidshare even before the link appeared at the top. : ) Were you one of them?