Hey, my name is Fredrik.
During the days I run a small game company with some friends.
On my spare time I like to tinker on weirder smaller stuff. In the past I've made some Gameboy games and I often participate in the Charas Community Games .
Here I will post and share everything I do with rpg maker.

Dread The Rabbit
A roguelike made in Rpg Maker 2k3



Dread The Rabbit Review

Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it!

Nice to hear it runs nice in EasyRPG, I never tried it in it. Know it had some issues running Grimps with the bombs not exploding and such.

Fear the Deer :: 2021 Gammak Challenge!

Ah man, I should have made Dread the Deer instead

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Nomination November

Spent my entire marketing budged on this.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Messing around trying to create a dungeon crawler fps view in rm2k3.

(Still very wip)

Here's an updated version

Edit 2:
Another update:

Dread The Rabbit Review

Thanks for the review, it was fun to read!!

1.44 Floppy Disc Event

@Iddalai: Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed it!

Looking through the game files, there were some enemies (knight and mage) that I didn't meet. Is there hidden stuff? Is it random? Or didn't you have the time to include them?

No, they are just unused art. I was planning on having more areas in the game. But decided to wrap it up after the skull plains.

Currently working on a full version with the missing areas and some gameplay changes.

Grimps: Squeaking of the Dead

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Been working on a new equipment/inventory screen.

You can now shift + click to quick equip/remove items. It also marks the equipment slot that item uses. And lastly marks items that can't be used by the character.

Blood & Grime

Whoa, this looks like a remake of Catacomb Abyss 3D (due to the color scheme), but better of course! I am really curious about this game.

That's great, I love the Catacomb games!

this is pure dope.

Nice, that's what I'm going for :P