

What Makes Stereotypical jRPGs Terrible?

The funny thing about that Star Ocean video is that it manages to take every bad sentence that these RPGs tend to do and cram it all into about 5 minutes. Probably every line in that video has been used before in some other RPG.

When you have no other outside knowledge and just take what you know from the jRPGs (even the bad) you grew up with, this is what happens. That's what makes them bad.

Discussion: Puzzles and Minigames.

Logic puzzles really irk me because they almost never have anything to do with the game world. When a person is playing a game, they want to be immersed into that world and not the laws of real life. So anything that requires knowledge that is not built into the game itself just comes off as weak and breaks the immersion.

Exit Fate had some sort of quiz thing in one of the dungeons where you had to memorize what year/month a certain king was born by reading something. Anything like that is cool.

Be consistent and do things related to the surroundings of how your game plays out. Adding a clever puzzle out of the blue doesn't give your game +5 cleverness.

I hope you understand this, boldmanthegreat.

Worst videogame character.

GRS you must play this game. Disregard everything you know...this is the best.

Who wants more SO4?

Worst game you personally do like.

Please tell me I'm not the only one. You know you love this jrpg.

Fourth Demo/New Release Soon! (Yeah)

Fourth demo? It has been that many? How many more minutes of gameplay does this one have?

By the way, I have noticed that your game images show nothing but chipset compilations. No shots of a battle, a fancy scene with action, or even a piece of dialogue. It's just 20 shots of different named places with the Hero sprite standing there.

Okay enough poking fun. Finish this.

Which version?

Nah, it's not the Battle animations in AAG. It's skipped because the code that handles damage output is in the battle event pages (which can get skipped because of the shit Active).

edit: actually it's both, I forgot the animations were cut up to show the multiple hits. =|

All RM versions are pretty okay. I want to try Scirra because it looks and sounds awesome, but that is a different subject.

Best game you personally don't like.

Those Persona games.

The straight up BEST Final Fantasy

Honestly, I prefer the days when RPG's were for the elite and not just for every random loser with a playstation.


Does Final Fantasy Adventure or any of the ones from Gameboy count?

Summer Screenshot Spectacular!

Man, I posted a demo of that like months ago in another topic. Why is this here.

I am also positive they wanted the game to play exactly like that. Making it in another engine would have done nothing. The game is very fluid other than some jumping mechanics. Fighting the same enemy over and over for 5 minutes did get boring, though.

Magic and Mana -- To use MP Pot, or not to use MP Pot; which one?

MP recovery by walking around is flawed unless you're using random encounters. In fact, this whole discussion really depends on your other core mechanics. kitten, you don't want to really deal with mp gain through time. That is even more flawed.

A solution that I have liked is having MP recovered by a certain percentage if (and only if) a battle initiates. This gets rid of wasting those extra turns of defending or having your character do nothing just to gain MP in a battle system (very important if you use the DBS). It also gets rid of walking around a map for 30 seconds and can't be exploited as easily.Just recover the MP and be done with it. It's straight to the point, which is great.

There are also other solutions to hoarding loads of MP restoring items. Dungeons in the Golden Sun series carry psynergy rocks that restore your MP. Of course they're treated like a rare treasure, so you have to work at trying to get them. Just do lots of play testing and think of how your battles work when doing this. =)