

Part One Release

Where is Curved CRT? I can't find it.

Hit F5 (Video options) and there is a CRT shader. It's not curved though (wasn't a fan of it myself).

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

I never added HQ2x or Scale4x because IMO they just look bad, and you might have issues with them when the window is fullscreen, and stretched.

But basically: every shader implementation is a little bit different, so even though you might be looking at GLSL, you'll have to examine each line and make sure the uniforms (inputs) are correct.

uniform sampler2DRect OGL2Texture;

texture2DRect(OGL2Texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).xyz;
uniform sampler2D texture;

texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).xyz; // (and related lines)

The OpenGL plugin uses SFML, and in their shader implemention, "texture" is built-in, in that when the screen is drawn and both a shader and a texture are attached to that draw call, "texture" refers to the attached texture. There's a blurb about it on this page towards the bottom under "Fragment shader".

From there, I usually had to tell the shader the texture dimensions, which is what this uniform was for:
uniform vec2 texture_dimensions;

(in ini)

"texture_dimensions" is whatever the window size is - could be 320x240, 640x480, 960x720, or 1920x1080 in the case of fullscreen/stretched. This could lead to the shader drawing in unexpected ways.

If I were to do it again, I'd draw the RPG Maker pixels to a 640x480 off-screen buffer with the shader, and then draw that to the screen and stretch it out to the size I'd need to to avoid shader issues. You can kind of see what I mean when you use scale2x in a 640x480 window, and then again in say 1920x1080 with stretching--It doesn't look right. But that's an issue you'll run into with scale4x and HQ2x as well, so be sure what you're looking at.

Also, keep in mind, there's been updates to GLSL, so if you're hunting for shaders, you might find something like this:
layout(location = 2) uniform mat4 some_mats[10];

uniform layouts were added in OpenGL 4, and you won't be able to use that syntax because it would require a lot of custom code in the plugin that does not currently exist.

Hope that info helps. Either way, you'll need to get your feet wet somewhere. :)

Part One Release

Hey, first of all, that's fantastic game and I hope you'll finish it someday. I am stuck though...
At Paul's castle, where I should signal our second party about opened doors. There is scene at the locked room, where Sparrow says about large window behind door. I don't know what to do now, where to find key to this door or how to proceed any other way.

Yeah it's maybe a little convoluted/obscure. On the first floor & east side by the side exit, there's some rope in a storage room opposite the vertical hallway. Go back to the roof, and there's a spot you can jump from.

Part One Release

Yep. It shouldn't affect saves at all.

Part One Release

1.0.1 Patch release is out. It fixes the following:
  • RTP error
  • Bar/Drinking system lag
  • Crash at the gnome feast
  • Cleaned up some dialog in a couple places

Sorry for the bugs >_> hopefully there aren't any more...

Part One Release

Oh if anyone gets the RTP error "The RPG Maker 2003 Runtime Package is not present or not registered", just replace the executable with this one:

I'll have it fixed in a patch release.

Part One Release

Weeeeiiird... I'll look into those.

[DYNRPG] OpenGL Renderer & Video Options menu

Source code is here:

I think @set_shader_param only supports simple values, so it's rather limited. To be honest, the shader support was fairly experimental anyway.

Just FYI: I'm not going to add anything new to this plug-in unless it's a critical bugfix or something. If you want to add to it (admittedly the code is pretty rough), I suggest forking the source code and learning C++.

[DYNRPG] OpenGL Renderer & Video Options menu

That's working as designed. This plugin just takes the original RM23k Window, and copies all the pixels to an OpenGL context. It draws shaders to the entire screen because that's all it can do. The screen itself is a set of vertices and a single draw call each frame that attaches a shader if one is defined.

[DynRPG] Battle: ATB Overhaul!

I fixed an old bug in this plugin related to @condition_speed_check. If you use that command at all, I would recommend updating.