

Dragoon Legacy

No updates since January. Me thinks a bit of worry is warranted. Just finished the demo, and I have to say, that was one hell of an awesome game! I can't wait to see what the final outcome will be like.

Whoever says RPG Maker games are all amateur have never played some of the gems found on RMN, this one included.

Crescent Moon: The Demon's Nightfall

You really need to figure out how the passability of RPG Maker works. I found I could walk over and through half the things I encountered. I can tolerate some passability issues, but when I can walk through chairs, on walls, over pianos and bookshelves, it's a sign of sloppy game design.

Cliche Quest

That was 2 and 1/2 hours well spent. A bit heavy on the grind at times, and those traps were kind of annoying, but that's classic rpg games for you. Very entertaining. I couldn't find the Radish Boss, though, so I'm guessing that side quest wasn't finished?

Edit: Just read the tips... Radish Monster will make its appearance soon enough.

Wyrm Warriors

Great demo for what's shaping up to be a very well done game.

Arch Menara

I'm confused. The game is listed in Early Project Feedback at RMW, but here it says it's complete? Yet the only link to a download is at RMW.


Overall, it's a very good game with a very unsettling atmosphere. It's also fresh to have a survival horror game that's something other than the zombie craze. My primary gripe is that segments are way too dark to see, even with a flashlight. A dark creepy atmosphere is great, but shouldn't get in the way of actually playing the game. Also, the translation efforts are very, unfortunately, very poor and require a substantial amount of proofreading.

I'm looking at the 2.0 version which looks much better than the current game, but I'd also advise you to get somebody to proofread the game as well.

The Light of the Shadow

Excellent demo! This game really hammers home the classic SNES feel, and I can't wait for the full completed version. The mapping was splendid, and the game play was fun. The combat actually was enjoyable, for the most part, since you had quests that made it more appealing, and the SP system made for more strategic boss fights without having to worry too much about saving your magic points.

The only thing that feels shallow at the moment is the story.

A girl gets kidnapped by some creatures, and the hero is unable to save her. So the mayor decides to send him out to rescue her, even though he doesn't appear to have any current connection with any of the people he comes across. And yet he's lent a sword by the mayor that the hero can use well enough, and may have some connection to the goddess.

Hopefully the story makes more sense as the game continues, but as long as the game play continues to impress, I'm sure I'll be pleased regardless.

Epic Elf (2013)

Don't knock it. At least you actually finished it first before going back and touching it up. It's your pride and joy, after all. Most will simply keep trying to polish it as they go along, and never finish.

Reverse Quest

And ditto to all the comments above. That was great. I bust a gut when he said:

"But we only have a handful of soldiers. And one of them's a dog."

Epic Elf (2013)

But I PROMISE that this is it for Epic Elf 1 & 2!

Until the next update. :)