At Last Alone: Canyon of...
A mad summoner is on the loose! Journey to stop him in this dark JRPG.




Cool story idea! Subbed!

Pixel Quilt: Logo Edition!

I need a t-shirt!! Who is making a t-shirt??

Screenshot Survival 20XX

I think it's meant to be Beelzebub but I have no fucking clue.

It's listed as Devil 03 if I recall. Been a while since I looked into the XP character sets.

Yeah, it's listed as a "devil" of some sort. But I've got a few other devils, and this guy is just... not like a devil. I thought maybe it was a wendigo, but those are more elkish. And then maybe I thought it was a skinwalker...

According to Navajo myth, skinwalkers can look like anything. From a wolf to a person to just something freaky.

So I'm going with skinwalker.

That being said, I was able to find this AMAZING resource that I will share with you all, the "Dictionnaire Infernal" published in 1863.

Even if your French isn't fantastic, it has some awesome pictures.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

How's that?

Nailed it. Blends much better. And the baby scorpion is a nice touch.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

I'm putting together enemies and I came across this guy:

Any ideas of what I should call him? Is this a "standard" D&Dish monster that I'm not familiar with?

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Now you will now why I hate Khas' Lighting script. I just do my own lighting ^^.

It's so great seeing someone else using Ancient Dungeon! I've been using it for a month now and it's nice to see what else people have done with it! The water temple looks great!

I think the size of the house is good, but the cabinets over the bench look a little off to me, since I think what you're using for cabinets are supposed to be end tables. But maybe it works and I'm just thinking very literally?

I think the Fire Emblem castle looks really nice and I like big maps. But it may feel a little empty if there aren't NPCs in it. Are you planning on sprinkling NPCs around?

At Last Alone: Rescue at Moranthia Review

This was such a blast to read!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. The flaws you've found in it are the ones that I myself see (and am trying to fix in the sequel) and the parts I'm most proud of are things that you enjoyed!

Sorry about the lagging - that's terrible! I have only myself to blame for making large-ass maps and putting lots of lamps in them. That dynamic lighting script is a memory hog...

You'll be interested/happy to know that there is a continuation of this story in the works. Cal, Garrard, and Georgie are all back with some extra friends. And a few characters with cameos in this game return as major characters!

Thanks again for the review! Here's hoping my next entry is better than 2 boxes of donuts... :D

Dealing with death as a plot point?

Maybe do a sort of scripted Fire Emblem thing? Make some portion subtly unwinnable without a certain character dying?

If you do it right that could be good. But it would probably work best if any other death of a single character was a game over.

This is a good idea. I guess one solution would be to just get rid of phoenix downs, etc. and deal with death like death.

Dragon Quest totally uses death in combat, but only on your party members - you do have the connections in heaven to get them back, though.

Connections in heaven, eh? I like this concept, but it would require some retconning for my world. Solid option, though.

I think there's also a lot of potential in a system that balances combat around the assumption that any of your main characters falling in battle results in a game over, rather than all of them having to fall at once. If being defeated in battle means "death," and the plot hinges on none of the protagonists dying, then you can just make each individual character's death a failure condition.

I can think of a couple games off the top of my head which did this, but both of them were more strategy game than traditional RPG. But there's no real reason you couldn't do the same thing with a more traditional RPG.

This echoes some other comments, and I think it might be the best approach for my particular game - although there were lots of solid suggestions (way more than I could dream up just sitting my myself).

But that brings up a sub-question:

If you were playing a game and the death of any one party member resulted in a game over screen, what would your reaction be? As a player, is it cool or annoying? Does depending on where you can save change your thoughts?

Dealing with death as a plot point?

Sometimes death is totally permanent in a game.

Take Fire Emblem. There is no 'faint' status. There's no 'mostly dead, so still a little bit alive'. There's just pushing up daisies.

I think this is great, and if I was doing something like FFTactics with a giant party, I'd give it a shot. But my story right now is very character driven, so I can't afford anyone dying before the story allows them to. That said, the idea of perma-death is something that really ratchets up the tension.

Dealing with death as a plot point?

I usually just call it K.O. instead of death. In the end, it's just names confusing the narrative, so, it's pretty easy to patch up.

It would be the same thing if there was a pivotal "character gets poisoned" moment in your game or something. Why not just throw an antidote at them? etc.

The ol' Pokemon route... solid idea.

I agree with the above posts of just watching your wording but want to give one alternative: Make it so (FF5 mid-game spoilers at link) you hulk the fuck out and fight past your last stand. I don't have any objections that a phoenix down won't work on somebody who just took the grand daddy of ass kickings and kept standing until the end.

I was leaning toward this, honestly, before I posted.

I use "defeated" as my death state, since KO'd makes me think of an MMA match and it doesn't really fit with my game's medieval setting.

I like this idea. I am also doing a medieval-set game with a relatively serious tone, so this may work...

Have a crashing, burning airship shear through the town where said NPC lives. Cinematic death beats all.

Was it that obvious that I'm trying to fridge an entire town and needed ideas?? :D I like the cinematic death idea, but my eventing prowess may take a few more games to get there.

Just kill them harder. Sure, it makes sense to use a phoenix down on that guy who died from a slow gut wound or from being set on fire (plus, he JUST died, like just now) but it doesn't make sense to use it on that guy that just got split in half by a mountain falling on him or died being hit by a train into another train. Phoenix downs can only set so many broken bones, right?

I like this idea... with the phoenix down having somewhat circumscribed powers. This would work in my game world...

died being hit by a train into another train.

Someone's gonna have to make this happen. This is too good to pass up.

I need some train sprites. Stat. ;)

Thanks everyone for the ideas! I've been stuck mapping for the past few weeks and was feeling creatively drained.