It's like toothpicks against a tank
A character-driven, steampunk-fantasy RPG



President Trump

The main issue with single payer is that it removes the customer from the provider. The government becomes the customer and the patient becomes the product. As a product, you have almost no freedom or choice, and the economics of it has little to do with what's best for you.

President Trump

This isn't about Trump persay, but man, I was just thinking about how nice it would be for individuals to be able to get health insurance at a reasonable cost. Under the ACA it's overly expensive & before the ACA it was basically unavailable, especially if you had a pre-existing condition.

The idea that you need to work for a corporation just to get affordable insurance is incredibly prohibitive to the self-employed & small businesses who can't (and shouldn't need to) provide health insurance. It's a detriment to our society and our economy.

These are the things I think about when I think about taking time off of corporate work to work freelance ;__; What a waste.

Agree with all of this. Having had to secure expensive Obamacare myself or pay a fine, the ACA seems like it was designed to fail so that Americans get fed up with any sort of portable insurance and just go full out single payer, which distorts the relationship between provider and customer.

I really don't get how anyone who calls themselves "liberal" can be for a plan that forces people to buy things from private companies. There's always some spoon-fed justification for extremely non-liberal things like the ACA and the bank bailouts. Like... congrats "liberals". You're shills for insurance companies and massive banks. What happened to, you know, being liberal?

If you like some parts of ACA, you'll probably get it when competition is opened up in the insurance market. If someone can figure out a way to make the pre-existing condition thing work in a truly competitive market, anyone who doesn't will fall behind. Apply that to anything that people want and is good.

President Trump

mm, no, i'm talking about the two people in this thread who actually need to enter therapy for their persecution complexes.

Great. Good to know. I'll know better next time I feel tempted to consider your posts reasonable or unbiased.

This is the AGE of persecution, buddy. The age of avoiding personal responsibility. The age of blaming others. To deny that is the height of myopia.

I also think you're misunderstanding the message. I have shared a couple real stories of awful racism toward me, but in general, I don't personally feel "persecuted". That would be pretty small-minded, if ALL I cared about was me, right? I get routinely annoyed and disappointed to see that so many people are chalking up everything to "the patriarchy" or whatever. It's just disappointing. It's not going to solve any problems. It's just causing more division and polarization. I want problems to be solved, I want divisions to be healed, but people do not respond well to being shamed, especially if they can't help who they are. And me pointing that out somehow makes me the bad guy. Ha!

President Trump

the lengths some people here will go to be scared of a boogeyman is incredible

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you meant "all" people instead of "some." Scapegoating and fear mongering is a standard issue tool in political/cultural warfare. The scapegoating thing was pretty good and weak for a while during the 1980's and some of the 90's, but boy has it made a comeback. Gotta blame someone, anyone, but self.

President Trump

I mean, the KKK and such do still exist and I'm pretty sure they still do shit, even thought it's probably kept better under wraps nowdays.

Seems like they spend most of their time shitposting on /pol/, disagreeing on what "white" means, and Nazi LARPing. If only they knew how the actual Nazi party would look upon slavenly basement dwellers. I believe the word "untermensch" applies

President Trump

Anybody else?

Reductio ad absurdum. Also, no one is going to say yes to your question. It was not asked for the purposes of genuine inquiry. It was you making a claim that it simply never happens based on anecdotes and using the favorable liberal environment here as strength-in-numbers back up.

Red Nova, good and interesting post. Good read.

President Trump

useless post

Some really high quality discourse up in here.

President Trump

@Harmonic: I guess what I don't understand right now is what you want from liberals.

What I would like is if we finally see the final nail in the coffin of the Buzzfeed/Salon/Vox/MTV era of liberalism. No other time did liberals put such an obsessive amount of focus on the victim hierarchy. It riles people up and scapegoats Joe Blow just because he's a white guy. I know it's impossible for one to care when Joe Blow has a complaint, but I'm not pleased with being scapegoated for society's ills because of things I cannot change. It hasn't happened much in this particular thread, but it absolutely happens, pervasively, in the culture at large.

You say it's a vocal minority, but the most popular leftist infotainment/"news" sites and channels are all like this. Maybe they are in the minority and the majority of Democrats are chill and shit? I live in Seattle, tied for 2nd for Hipsterville behind Frisco, so it's a bit of a bubble here.

TLDR: I would like the idea of privilege/victims coming out of the womb to die a long overdue death because it causes resentment and division.

It's really disappointing that there's no willingness on the left to reflect, see why they lost this election (and several down ticket elections) and perhaps try and adjust. Just gonna double down on what failed before.

President Trump

all that's left is benghazi and harmonic will have completed republican bingo

Good contribution. *thumbs up*

President Trump

Guys I already said once that this thread isn't for picking fights with harmonic.
when i find the legions of 1000000000 ghost humanoids he talks about in each post, rest assured, i WILL let you know who they are

Completely dismissing reality, and my argument in one swipe. It's not even "my" argument, it's the observation of a huge number of Americans, whom you might call middle America rednecks or some shit.

In regards to picking fights with me, are you actually claiming no one has done that? Your avatar must be laughing at the absurdity of that.

In regards to the race thing, let me tell you two exact stories that have happened to me. Fresh in my mind.

1) Conversation with liberal. In this conversation, which involved the subject of miscegenation, this delightful person first teased, the came out explicitly, saying that my children (half white, half asian) will be hated by Asians and mocked by Whites. That they will never fit in either culture, and that I will be looked at like a creepy mail-order bride pedophile if I'm walking around town with my daughter. In this liberal's words, "people will think she's your much younger asian lover." Yeah. So, if I wasn't who I am, this liberal woman wouldn't have spouted off such filth. Some privilege.

2) Conversation with racial minority liberal. It was about victims and privilege, and the conclusion after what was a long and, I thought, cordial debate, his conclusion was that I owe at birth because I'm white male. No one else owes. That in order to be a good person, I have the privilege of having higher expectations than others, and I owe the world more than others. Here's the kicker - I grew up lower class with a single mother scraping by on meager child support payments. SOME PRIVILEGE.

Am I supposed to think these people are tolerant and inclusive as they claim to be? That they have my interests as a human being at heart? Sounds more like they wish I'd just shut up and pay my taxes, accept their insults, at best.