Beta testers!? No, this game needs a goddamn exorcist!
Developer of videogames and boardgames. Yet to release a boardgame or a game made in RPGmaker.
Favourite genre: jRPG, Strategy RPG, Action RPG
Other likes: Anime, digital media, writing
Proud Canadian
Avatars: Tiara from my should-be-upcoming game Resolem, by NiwaRhythm



Fear and Hunger

Nice sprites.

Karma Flow 2 - Steel Skin

Karma Flow 2 - Steel Skin

I keep thinking it's the avatar of Youtuber, Cry.

Karma Flow 2 - Steel Skin

I sometimes see Steelskin's picture on that poster art as though the hat is a big round face, with the crease being a really wrinkly smile and the hand on the person's chin.

Anyway, so hyped for this.

Mafiosi 4

Man, does Gretel ever stand out in that picture.

Red Peter

Played it. The English is a little wonky but I could still understand the meaning just fine.

I didn't find any problems but I wasn't really looking for them very hard. The only weird thing I noticed was TV's placed where people wouldn't be able to watch them easily. I figure this is because you didn't have a sideways-facing TV. Also, without having read the summary here I'd have no clue what the story was.

Nice edits on the xmas trees, by the way.

Are the endings determined by how much you steal? And if this is a demo then what will the final game involve?

The Witches' Tea Party

I'm pro-room names too. I don't think the game needs them. It's not at all a complicated map and you're encouraged to explore. I just feel that showing room names when you enter them would add to the "homey" feel of the house. It's also another thing Renee can mess with:)

The Witches' Tea Party

Hmm... Does Renee speak in third-person 'cause its not Renee speaking, perhaps. Perhaps instead of being a puppeteer, she's a puppet... That would explain so much!

I just figured she was playing up the whole childish thing. But her not really being her is cool too. Either works.

The Witches' Tea Party

I hope people can see this:
Did anyone have the problem "Uncought Error: Header is wrong"???

Not here. Windows 10 though.

copy/paste my notes from playing. Both impressions and concerns mixed in.

-A few typos here and there and some of the lines just have strange English but nothing rage-inducing. If you want I'll do a sweep for typos and make you a list later if nobody else does. I'm just not going to have time today because PARTY!

-Randomized title screens are cool.

-I was going to say there's a typo in the intro's 2nd block of text but Grammarly says it's ok. *shrugs* cool.

-Oh, collectables! *predicts that his review of the finished game will be called "MWUHAHAHA I must get ALL THE PAINTING PIECES!"

-After you fix the lamp, it still says it's a broken lamp despite that it's not lit up.

-Decorating your room with themes will be fun. C'mon Charlotte, disco night club! You know you wanna! despite it being completely out of character...

-On the 2nd floor of Vanessa's room, you can walk to the right from the eye and onto the floor below. You can actually pass this space both ways.

- http://i.imgur.com/GILmfL9.png LOL. One of RM's most common problems.

-Wow. Chandeliers done right. I'll be honest, I was expecting problems with them.

-I love that you can just outright deny Mari's side quest. LOL

-Cooking and brewing minigames are very simple (maybe too simple) but also really fun.

-I love that you accounted for us making the tomato juice but not giving it to Mari. I gave her a tomato instead, hoping that Charlotte would threaten to just throw it at her.

-WOW, that ending. LOL, that epilogue.

-Bonus room makes me so hyped for the full game!

The characters have their charm but the mansion itself has a lot of charm too. There's a very nice aesthetic that stays even in the menu and other system parts. This was a good demo.

Goatchild: Advent of Vantelieth

Kill it with guns. It takes a bit. I recommend moving from left to right or right to left for dodging. The best time to strike is when it appears on a higher row than you.