Classic-inspired beat-em-up made in RMMV




Thank you! Hopefully it's a believable space.


You think so? I'll try it as a shadow instead of a line and see if that looks better, then.
You were right! Looks better without the line. Updated the image; might have to hold Shift and refresh to see it.

Thanks for the input!


This looks amusing out of context

My favourite bit is that it looks like he gets the other dude right in the crotch.


Did the pencils for this in about an hour, then spent another hour inking and colouring it on the computer. Had the idea for this one in my head for a couple of days, so it didn't take too long.


Looks cool!

Maybe the tip of the giant vine needs to emerge from underneath the walkway though, to make more visual sense? That's how I'd imagine that thing wrapping around, anyway.

Future Ghost

Thanks orochii! I've tried to put some subtle humour into it, to lighten up what's a pretty serious, sometimes heavy, story overall.


Yeah, I'll admit he's a good looking guy.

Oh, you mean the game! Thanks. :)


The 'Check-In Staff' dude is a friend of mine, who's been helping a lot with playtesting and even read all the way through the 150-page script for me!

And I just realised that part of his shirt is transparent... Fixing that in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Which one do you guys prefer? I'm unsure if I should stick to the old look or go for the new one.

Number 2, I'd say. The new colour scheme of number 3 seems out of place with the nasty things that appear to be going on in the room. The inclusion of the green outline for the walls in 2 (as opposed to 1) gives the space a stronger sense of definition.

That's my take on it, anyway.


disappointment and sheep

Better add a sidequest for that, then. (^_^)