I like to make video games, especially action RPG's.

I make games slowly. Call me slow. But quality is always better than quantity!




The Screenshot Topic Returns

@Aqua: A tree is on the mountainside... That doesn't look quite right. And bushes in the water...

Harvest Sprites

so you're not a grim reaper?

Nope, don't judge a game by the title. It's Harvest as in Harvest Moon. But then there's going be souls added in. Harvest has a dual meaning, y'know...

Fine. I changed the name so it doesn't sound like a "demon souls" game...

My Game's identity has been stolen

I'm not saying it's okay - it's definitely not. It's just fucking weird. It makes me wonder what the hell they planned to get out of it. What was the point?

On Desura you can sell your game for money. Perhaps that was the pirate's intention?

RMNv4 Feedback

Frankly I'd like a list of active members to be displayed at the bottom of the screen; AFAIK it's not possible to see who's signed in which can make it rather hard to know if one's message will receive a swift response or not.
Exactly! Or some way to indicate whether someone is online.
It's not really possible, sorry.

You can put the name of the poster and associate their post, but can't put a list of active users on the bottom? That's a little odd.

Whenever someone logs in they send a message to the server indicating that they have logged in. All you need to do is catch that, and store the persons name. Then when they become inactive, catch the next message and remove their name from a list.

Use HTML to display the names at the bottom of the forum.

Beginner's Intimidation and High Standards

A beginner will tend to use RTP, while an advanced user will make their own graphics and an intermediate is expected to tweak/modify the graphics. This can be seen as encouragement?
This would only encourage the association of CUSTOM GRAPHICS/MUSIC SYSTEM~ = good game. That is a terrible association.

Alright, I wasn't really thinking about good games that don't necessarily have custom graphics. Advanced users do tend to map better; this I guess is a better metric. Indra, I'll completely skip your rant. :)

And "quality" is such a nebulous, subjective, generally hard-to-define thing that I think skewed reviews would only cloud it further.

Okay, I'm going to switch my brain on.

If quality were subjective, many professional fields would be obsolete. No, quality implies a metric of 'completeness and richness or excellence'. It's purely objective as per it's definition; the word is also a social construct. Completeness is a sound and definitive metric and the second one more subjective. However, one knows when quality work had been done by comparing the product to other products of similar kind. Therefore quality is also well-defined.

When you create beginner, intermediate and advanced levels you are trying to imply states to the metric; "A beginner has these qualities, intermediate these, etc." The hard part and what is open to interpretation is what exactly constitutes these states? What are their exact qualities? The word "exact" here is hard to use, because as a metric, quality is a 'comparable metric' it's not defined over a set for "less-than and equal to" or "greater-than and equal to". The quality is well defined, but not complete. No two products can be of equal quality unless it's the same thing in which case quality is a moot point.

In reality our brains tend to be super-sleuths and we do create loose definitions for beginner, intermediate and advanced. What else defines the featured games if not for quality? At one point when you create a "beginner" tag with regard to quality, you bite the bullet. There is no exact location for "beginner" but there is one with respect to the other levels of quality. A good logician would know where, while a poor logician comes to the conclusion that "quality" is subjective, and get confused.

I'm by no means a good logician. I have no clue exactly where to put "beginner" so it's best to entirely not do this, and skewed reviews. In fact it's better to keep things where they are. So I'm going to shut up now. :)

Imminent Frontier part 1

first yes i mean put a comment in saying i want to see some of this i can tailor a game pretty easily to include some sort of system if it is really wanted.

I would like the player to fight the king in outer space, riding a super nova. do this pls.


Beginner's Intimidation and High Standards

About ranking/segregating the community. I actually do this myself, and I'm sure others have done so as well. When I see projects, I judge them by their screenshots or by playing them. It's true, but I do it all the time. It's really my only way of knowing their competency levels.

If someone tags themself as a beginner it wouldn't really change the way in which I view their game, honestly.

Though if there was a "beginner league" a benefit would be "skewed reviews" where a 4 star beginner league is different from a 4 star advanced or intermediate league. Beginners would have more leniency in the art/sounds. A beginner will tend to use RTP, while an advanced user will make their own graphics and an intermediate is expected to tweak/modify the graphics. This can be seen as encouragement?

Beginner's Intimidation and High Standards

@lotus games: No, yeah I agree with the creativity of children, I don't want to push it aside, but these are games. Games are complex stories between characters and antagonists. Children don't have that kind of thought process. They are great at coming up with monsters to fight, but not the dialogue or plot. A child's plot: fighting a king in outer space while riding the explosion of a supernova. But that can be easily out of their technical skillset, and if they try to do it it'll look like rubbish (IE: That's a supernova!?). I consider myself a good game maker and I wouldn't do it because not only is it unrealistic, it's kinda cheesy. But that's just me.

@lucid: I agree with this idea. But I think others can have a say. If you tag yourself 'beginner' and another person says, nah that's 'intermediate' then that's what it is.

Maybe the game reviewers do this. They always need some tool to use... this could be it.