I like to make video games, especially action RPG's.

I make games slowly. Call me slow. But quality is always better than quantity!




[OVER][Contest] DynRPG Plugin Programming Contest - Win Amazon Gift Cards! - NEW: Pathfinding plugin submitted!

Hmm, I know C++ but I'm afraid I know nothing about RPGMaker and DynRPG I'd probably be taking more time learning (and getting a test bed set up) than getting a good submission going.

But this does look cool.


This shows Serah, the peoples page shows Sarah. Which is the correct one? (I like Serah more.)

It's Sarah, umm, I kinda like Serah too but I wanted her to have a more classic name. But it can always be changed later. I might even change it to "Hannah", nothing's really finalized yet. I'm still fleshing out personalities and things.

Harvest Sprites

ooh any download link...nice game ...

Not for a long while, it's in active development. -___-


What programming language/Game engine did you use to make this?

Microsoft C# with XNA game library. I haven't worked on this for a long time.... It's just a tech demo on my computer right now. I may work on this eventually (come this summer).


New mounts?
Have a Tiger :D Like Mike Tyson's pet.

I was thinking about a Tiger. We'll see...


Oh coolbeans!

Will there be horse breeding? A huge downfall of horses in the original HM series was that you couldn't breed horses to sell. :(

Hmm, never thought of that. I suppose anything's possible. When I implement the other animals, I'll see about breeding horses (for sell or whatever).


When you say 'horses', is that to say there can be more than one?

Yeah, the others would just be color changes, though.

3 colors of horse:

dark brown (pictured),
light brown,
and white.

I'm even toying with the possibility of other mounts besides horses. But it depends on how much graphics I really want to draw.


Sweet. Can you actually ride it into town in this game? Use him to cut travel time and not just be a mobile grocery bin?

Yes, you can ride him around the entire kingdom. Get him to eat tall grass (restores his stamina), and is also a great transport (fast galloping).

Going commercial?

Stop talking about Computer Science as "those database coders". A Computer Scientist may choose to become a Software Engineer where deadlines and quality are considered among other things, such as code and art. If anything a good video game needs a good Computer Scientist skilled in Software Engineering. Video games are Software, nothing more nothing less.

If you've ever used a "Design Doc" while making a video game, you have, to put it bluntly, used a Software Engineering developing paradigm. True Story.

I myself am taking Software engineering course at my University and it's helped me organize my own game (our class project is a video game).

For some of you there's a great deal of disillusionment coming from RPGMaker... you don't need to be a Computer Scientist to use the software. Generally you'd be more of a writer. But you can't be just a writer and expect games to finish on their own. No, you NEED to borrow principles from Software Engineering (even if you are doing so without realizing it. IE: Design Doc). Therefore, if you are going to profit off of games you make, it's wise to don the cap of a Computer Scientist rather than just an ordinary writer or artist.

Sorry if I feel defensive... I an a computer Scientist... Who must code his own projects from scratch!

Going commercial?

-Do you make games for money?
Not yet.

-Given the chance, would you work on commercial games?

-Do you aspire to make games for money one day?
Yes. This is realistically obtainable since I try to be more than a hobbyist by following a Computer Science degree, especially centered in Software Management/Engineering.

-Why would you NOT make games for money?
If the money wouldn't go to me. Publishers, especially commercial ones steal your ideas and cling to them. They are a middle-man for your thoughts, where you don't really own your thoughts. So going indie is best for selling games.