I had to "Old Yeller" my old laptop, a laptop that has given me a decade of entertainment, became the ultimate retro console thanks to emulators, and has allowed me to pursue my dream of being a game designer with both RPG Maker & SMBX. Now, ALL of that work, is gone. This is not how my 40th birthday should be. I am dead inside now. I just don't give a shit about anything anymore ;_;
Dragon Quest Remake (95%...
A remake of the classic 1st Dragon Quest with RPG Maker MV



Mario's Musical Marathon

As for the doors not showing number of stars, this same mistake was done in Castles Masterpiece Set 2. I had to fix it myself to make it work. Apparently when someone tried to link the level to the door, they got the name of the level wrong because it has to be exactly what the filename is. I.E. If a level's filename is say Lava_Lotus_Grotto, and you put it as Lava Lotus Grotto (replacing underscores with spaces), the editor will not recognize the level. So make sure the names of the levels match the actual names or filenames of the levels.

Mario's Musical Marathon

I'm starting to wonder if interest in SMBX here on RMN is dying out. I can think of 3 events that crashed & burned.
1 - Castles Masterpieces Set 2 (finished but with some serious flaws that weren't fixed)
2 - Super Dr. Toadly's World (seiromem can't/won't finish it)
3 - This event (not enough people signed up/turned in levels)

While Super RMN Bros./World series turned out great, but these little events don't pan out so well. Maybe we should stick to major projects instead.

SRW2: Yoshi's Archipelago

Where's the last flower in Mirage Manor? It's driving me crazy!
Here it is in my LP: (skip to 17:50)

Super Dr. Toadly World

The real question would be whether or not seiromem actually finished all of his own levels or not. If there's levels missing it could be a problem.

Super Dr. Toadly World

from Animebryan
Couldn't someone else just take over to put it together?
*dives out the nearest window

Wow! Did putting together Yoshi's Archipelago really wear out your patience for SMBX?

Super Dr. Toadly World

Couldn't someone else just take over to put it together?

Super Dr. Toadly World

cuz I'm never gonna get around to it

Too busy or too lazy?

Super Dr. Toadly World

Cancelled? Y U do this?

Dragon Quest Remake (95% Complete Demo)

Dragon Quest Remake (95% Complete Demo)

I've had problems before with all my equipment being cleared without knowing & I thought that it was a bug in Yanfly's Equip Core plugin. I just tested both methods just now & my equipment doesn't clear after reloading a save or at a inn. I'm using a new equipment plugin so maybe that fixed it.

I'm making new progress on the game now so it will be completed sometime soon.