In all fairness, bird shrapnel isn't as deadly as wood shrapnel
Your maned lioness mutual, cozy and cruel as flame is wont to be.
A Child Called Ash
Prequel of a prequel for a MtF daughter of lions



Is AI generated art ethical?

I mean, people with talent aren't out of a job yet. It's like people using Hero Forge to create images of their characters. A tool for people who aren't artistically inclined, but nothing special and which pales compared to actual talent. Heck, I can't even draw that well myself, much as I have fun with it. Mostly.

Do I think the easy-peasy generated stuff belongs on art sites? No, not necessarily, especially not on places for professional like ArtStation. I keep telling DeviantArt to "see less like this" when I've witnessed the umpteenth Hero Forge screenshot. It starts to feel like no-effort spam by then. I'd rather take foot fetish crap that looks like a horny ten-year-old drew it on MS Paint.

Do I think that someone could get good at AI generated art, and have been impressed by some of those images? Yes. Of course, there's examples that look like the American box art of the original Mega Man. I view AI art generators like a tool, a medium like any other.

Do I think "stealing" art is always unethical (read: pure evil and if you're remotely related to anyone who does, you get the bullet too, so say armchair activists)? Uh... no. Tell that to everyone who'd used a reference, or who's used someone else's art for a private D&D character image. Art is made to be witnessed and enjoyed, or made to be created for fun and leisure. The only hard pass I have is for stealing art for NFTs that were never intended to be an NFT. Or using one's OC for cybersex RP.

If you wanna throw a price tag on it, I get that and support it. I'm a furry. Why wouldn't I respect artists who offer their art for a price? It's kinda awesome how people can do art professionally as a side hustle, and it amazes me how people who practically draw for a living don't seem to get sick of it. I pay and even overpay artists for their commissioned work.

If there are artists who specifically wouldn't want their art used for AI stuff? I understand it, and they should be able to act upon a cease-and-desist, even if I disagree that art should be protected so closely. Public and open domain exist for a reason, and when you struggle too hard to protect your precious creations? Well, you get the kind of crap Nintendo and Disney do with their IPs. Or you act like the obsessed auteur who's more focused on copyrighting their works than creating or refining them.

tl;dr Context matters, but I don't think artists are out of a job yet. I could see AI being a medium of its own, but I also get people not wanting to be a part of it. For now, AI art is a tool, especially for people who lack professional-level art skills themselves.

Is this site dead? Newcomer.

The Discord server is where most of RMN's community can be found these days. It's highly active with regular posts. For the forums themselves, people post now and again, and game jams are hosted here. But to actively hang out with the community, you'll wanna use the Discord.

I however dislike some of the people on said Discord, so I haven't been on it in like a year. A few bad apples, am I right?

Pixel Club

When you say "money", I think "rupees" from LoZ. So figured I'd make off-brand versions in a few different colors. Was inspired by some hexagon glass thingies for the bottom of a fishbowl, ones that I saw in my apartment lobby. (32x32)

Also did three tavern goodies -- a mixed drink, a pretzel and of course, a beer stein. (16x16)

Also wanna share the palette I'm using. Wanna say it's based on the NES, but not 100% sure how accurate it is to authentic hardware? It appears to be the same one that The Mighty Pack uses -- my go-to 8-bit asset pack -- so take that as you will.

Lastly, uh. Does anyone have a template for those spinny coins?

Discount Game Jam Hosted By Muffle

I honestly need practice for a proper dungeon. So, I am 100% excited for this. :D

Pixel Club

Okay, I'm tempted. The RMNer coins are getting me to bite. Hoping there's no time limit on these prompts.

EDIT: I come bearing a gift sized in 48x48. Took serious inspiration from the slimes in Wizardry on the NES. Or maybe the Apple II port. Anywho. A little more macabre, but still a slime. Is there a template for the animated coins? Otherwise, I'll probably tackle currency next.

What are some archetypes for non-boss enemies?

Personally, I prefer archetypes to be similar enemies in the same category (for instance, palette swaps). All of them having similar traits, but with different abilities to keep players on their toes. For instance? Imagine a "goblin" category where all of them have low HP but decent AGI. However...

- The generic Goblin could trip (one-turn stun)
- A blue Imp can cast minor spells, especially tricksy stuff
- A green Gremlin could steal weaker items, or lower ATK / DEF (flavored as tampering with weapons and armor)
- a Redcap with obvious coloring could drain HP when it deals damage
- An orange Ukobach could deal fire damage

...stuff like that! Again, this idea probably works better for more old-school games that utilize palette swapping. But if you're going to reuse the same base battler images in the first place, at least use it to play around with a similar stat line and adjacent monsters from myth and legend.

The Chosen RPG

If you're like me, and try to browse Steam for any kind of RPG, you'll know there are a) a lot of RPG Maker asset flips, b) a lot of asset flips in general, across all genres and c) a boatload of H-games. IIRC, I thought it costs ~$100 USD to submit a game to Steam, but it's still frustrating to see a distinct lack of quality control.

Eh, there's always GOG. Or Itchio. Let alone quality, free RM games like the stuff found here. Literally no reason to look for most RM games on Steam, not counting games made by RM communities (Cope Island: Adrift, Venaitura, Tales From Zilmurik, etc).

Ah, wasn't there some kind of drama surrounding Super Lesbian Horses?

Awful haikus

That new masterpiece
Was brought by insomnia
I want sleep, goddamn

Awful haikus

Automatic dick
Give the old in out, in out
Transhumanist porn

Trap Saves

Here, I thought this was a thread about putting tabletop mechanics into JRPGs. I even had a rant to go on about making "skill checks" a narrative thing.

Hmm. Anywho.

I absolutely agree with Darken about that Weigraf fight in Final Fantasy Tactics. Stuff like that happens a couple times with no warning in the game, marring a personal masterpiece. What if you don't have a class on Ramza to play keep-away with? What if you didn't get his Shout ability? Heck, I hadn't known about the Chameleon Robe method to force Weigraf not to obliterate you with Lightning Stab, and the ability's mislabeled too. It's a holy-element attack, not lightning as the PSX English translation said back when. How would the average player figure out how to cheese, and that the best strat is to cheese?

Conveyance is absolutely important for games. Warnings like "this is a point of no return; let's only face this if we're ready". Heck, save points in the SNES-era Final Fantasy games usually convey when a boss is nearby. Igavanias and Mega Man games have doors to tell you that a boss is up ahead. If games can warn about a bigger challenge up ahead, why not warn about parts where you could softlock a save file?

I can see a point of no return for the final crawl of the game. Get your grinding in, max out your consumables, finish your sidequests, and prepare for the final exam of the game's challenges. Heck, ways to escape most dungeons work just fine! Pokemon has Escape Ropes and the Teleport move, Dragon Quest has Outside / Evac, Etrian Odyssey has Araidne's Thread, et cetera.

tl;dr Warn your players first, holy crap. Or, just don't intentionally put scenarios like that in a game. :v