Mega Man: Revenge of the...
A action-based platformer based on the classic 8-bit Mega Man games.



rm2k3 map exporter (that does events too)

Wonderful. Okay, thanks. :(

Robot Masters

A trick to beating Spark Man is knowing where to keep the battle; by that I mean, keep yourself on the middle platform and on the top right platform. If you linger there as he's hopping around, you'll notice most of his attacks far easier to dodge. The fact there is a hitbox blind spot on the far right of the middle platform makes this even simpler.

If I had to choose a Robot Master that is completely dickish, that'd be Tornado Man. If the RNG isn't nice to you and he starts using his cloud attack more often, then he becomes a pain. Its doable though if you ride one platform up halfway, shoot him when you're level with him, slide off to the center, keep walking to the far opposite wall as the platforms fall back down and take the other platform back up and repeat as long as he does clouds, you 'should' be okay.

rm2k3 map exporter (that does events too)

Finally got around to using rpg2kdev, it works, however it still doesn't render events. Which makes some event-heavy maps look weird.

Open World in Review

well I've decided to finally finish it. After all I'm so close to finishing the entire world (Terraco Caves and final main story area). So if I complete those and then start on events and quests and NPCs, then I think I 'could' have this out within a year. That's being hopeful though. But don't expect it before 2016 however, that would TRULY be a miracle.

[Release Something! Day XIII] Feedback Thread

I haven't had a chance to try anything (real life yo), but I will respond to those who've reviewed AOF. Probably not going to block off any incomplete areas, esp. since there are only TWO left. (Terraco Caves and the final Main Quest Story area) So might as well finish those two up and start on events. Speaking of which, to comment on why there is no gameplay - My method was to finish the world building first, then populate it afterwards...the world building just about killed me though. Maybe the event populating will go faster? As for balancing the game, I've actually been doing that all along while building maps...I leveled up my characters and built maps in the order you 'should' be visiting them in and balancing stats, items, armors, monsters that way. Granted, more tweaking is probably needed, but I'm fairly confident I'm close to the balance I want already. Whew...but with this support, I probably should get back to Terraco...into the caves!
EDIT: Also, if you want gameplay video that exists - check out other AOF videos in that playlist that that video resides in. ;)

EDIT 2: Now that I think about it, I might do a very closed in-house alpha testing with certain interested parties if anyone wants to. You'd basically just be exploring the entire world and killing monsters, taking loot from chests and...that's about it at the moment. Are there any takers? PM me if interested in this.

"This is why we're here."

Okay, you convinced me. Even if Amulet of Fate never strikes it big with any audience, I still enjoy playing through it and making it and I'm going to finish it and release it for everyone. It may still take a year or more, but I just want people to be amazed at the sheer size of scope of it all and wonder how the hell a single person could keep it all together to make even a coherent game with it!

Legend of Zelda: Lost Isle

Well, if you're going to judge the game by its game page colors....that's sad. :-/

Release Something XIII: Something Returns

This for team: Open World in Review.

Here is what Unity contributed to my project:
Battle chars for 8 different monster chars done in the style of First Seed Material!

Here is a compilation video of what I've done so far on Amulet of Fate:
Its pretty much my submission since a game download would be rather impractical right now.
Looking forward to everyone else's entries!

rm2k3 map exporter (that does events too)

I should have been more clear Link_2112, I mean map exporter to bmp image. Not from one game project to another. I'll look into EasyRPG Player.

rm2k3 map exporter (that does events too)

I know about Cherry's Hyperp2 which has a map export function, however a lot of my maps are event heavy to extenuate detail and some could not be made without events, however if I export using Hyperp2, it removes all events which makes it look incredibly weird. Is there a map exporter out there for rm2k3 that can do this? Thank you.