My wife said I can't buy FFVI Remaster until I finish Hero's Realm
Oh wow! Great to see you back at this! Remind me to thank your wife, if I ever see her in real life. Good luck with finally wrapping this up!
OMG this is brilliant. I thought at first this was just some fancy DynRPG magic, but apparently not? I'd be impressed either way, but now I'm impressed and confused as to how you did it.
Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic
Wow! Welcome back SegNin! I think the Christmas comparison another made is apt. I had lost hope of you returning, so this is really a Christmas miracle!
[RM2K3] Using Labels & Loops in Battle Events?
I have not tried copy/pasting labels and loops with the English version of rm2k3, but I would guess the issue is that if you make a new label and don't update the number attached to it, bad things happen. Loops historically have been really wonky regardless, and I recommend to never use them and stick with labels. I can't promise that will work for you, but I agree that not having the events page gigantic is the way to go, so I'd take the risk and find out what's wrong as you go. Good luck!
[RM2K3] it says "dderr_unsupported" but I have the latest directx
If they don't want to use the Steam version or the hack that changes how full screen works (I forget where that is) they can also force the game to play in windowed mode with a shortcut.
Just make a shortcut of the .exe and edit the Target by adding "Window". The end should look something like the following:
Just make a shortcut of the .exe and edit the Target by adding "Window". The end should look something like the following:
"C:\Users\fake\Hero's Realm\RPG_RT.exe" "NormalPlay" "ShowTitle" "Window"
RM2K Damage Algorithms
Since you brought this up, here is what I had in some old note file on the subject. Hope it helps! Note that regular attacks use the skill formula, but assume the atkInf is 10 and the base effect is zero.
Calculating Damage from Skills
Formula for skills:
damage = base + atkA * (atkInf / 20) + intA * (intInf / 40) - defB * (atkInf / 40) - intB * (intInf/ 80)
If the "Ignore Defense" is checked, the following formula is used:
damage = base + atkA * (atkInf / 20) + intA * (intInf / 40)
· For each point of variance, damage fluctuation will be ±5% more, up to a total of ±50%.
· The damage is then multiplied by the highest magic attribute value of the defender and highest weapon attribute of the defender of those that apply to the skill (as marked in the skill properties).
Description of the Variables
A = caster
B = target
atkA = caster's attack power
intA = caster's intelligence
defB = target's defensive power
intB = target's intelligence
1: base = Effect Rating
2: atkInf = Attack Influence
3: intInf = Intelligence Influence
4: var = Variance
5: Ignore Defence check box
6: Available Attributes (those that apply to the skill)
7: Success Rate (chance the skill will hit target)
· When B defends, the damage taken is reduced to 1/2.
· For characters with Mighty Guard checked, the damage taken is reduced to 1/4.
Death and Decimals
· Skills that cancel the death condition will heal a % of HP instead of an absolute value if no other options are checked. (If the value is 100 or more, the character will revive with 100% of their HP.)
· RPGmaker does not use decimals, so if = 125.5, for example, RPGmaker remembers it as 125 for calculation purposes. Thus it is important to keep the formulas above in their current state, rather than distribute out atkInf and intInf, if you want to be 100% accurate.
Success Ratio (%) = Success Rate
· For a skill with multiple effects, each is checked separate to see if it fails or not.
· When an attack that reduces HP or MP fails, all other effects and conditions of it are ignored.
(in other words, if a skill deals damage and then 50% of the time poisons the enemy, first it will check if the damage hit, and if it did, then it will check if the poison hits)
Calculating Damage from Skills
Formula for skills:
damage = base + atkA * (atkInf / 20) + intA * (intInf / 40) - defB * (atkInf / 40) - intB * (intInf/ 80)
If the "Ignore Defense" is checked, the following formula is used:
damage = base + atkA * (atkInf / 20) + intA * (intInf / 40)
· For each point of variance, damage fluctuation will be ±5% more, up to a total of ±50%.
· The damage is then multiplied by the highest magic attribute value of the defender and highest weapon attribute of the defender of those that apply to the skill (as marked in the skill properties).
Description of the Variables
A = caster
B = target
atkA = caster's attack power
intA = caster's intelligence
defB = target's defensive power
intB = target's intelligence
1: base = Effect Rating
2: atkInf = Attack Influence
3: intInf = Intelligence Influence
4: var = Variance
5: Ignore Defence check box
6: Available Attributes (those that apply to the skill)
7: Success Rate (chance the skill will hit target)
· When B defends, the damage taken is reduced to 1/2.
· For characters with Mighty Guard checked, the damage taken is reduced to 1/4.
Death and Decimals
· Skills that cancel the death condition will heal a % of HP instead of an absolute value if no other options are checked. (If the value is 100 or more, the character will revive with 100% of their HP.)
· RPGmaker does not use decimals, so if = 125.5, for example, RPGmaker remembers it as 125 for calculation purposes. Thus it is important to keep the formulas above in their current state, rather than distribute out atkInf and intInf, if you want to be 100% accurate.
Success Ratio (%) = Success Rate
· For a skill with multiple effects, each is checked separate to see if it fails or not.
· When an attack that reduces HP or MP fails, all other effects and conditions of it are ignored.
(in other words, if a skill deals damage and then 50% of the time poisons the enemy, first it will check if the damage hit, and if it did, then it will check if the poison hits)
You should post a "Title Screen Through the Ages". Would be fun.
Also, it looks nice. I always like to see progress on this game, no matter how small.
Also, it looks nice. I always like to see progress on this game, no matter how small.
Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic
I'm creating this account just to say a THANK YOU for finding my game! I'm Ran, a sole developer from "MAXIMA Productions". I made this Sonic RPG Beta game way back in 2007.
Just like you I was losing hope of finding this little game that was lost along with my old Pentium III PC, and hosted only on my personal site and Ziddu file hosting (duh!). Honestly I'm developing this game only for myself and my friends so I didn't publish it on any RPG Maker developer community, it's just a miracle that someone else on the other side of the world have a copy and actually playing it haha!
From a creator, you guys have made my day. I seriously appreciate all the archiving efforts you have done here. Thank you for preserving a piece of niche, obscure history :)
This is so cool that someone was able to find your long lost game! Sometimes the world can be an amazing place.
I still think someone should set up a "timeline" of games that came out through the years on this list. I think that actually might help people like me, find possible older games that were done throughout the years, especially with GamingWorld now lost and archived.
If you haven't checked out the RPG Maker Games List utility (https://rpgmaker.net/engines/other/utilities/216/) I highly recommend it. It does its absolute best to guess the date of the game based upon various files stored within, and I think does a pretty good job of it, too. At the very least, it is a lot easier than doing it manually.
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic
Paging @Kaesekumpel in particular, since I know that you had (and archived—thank you so much!) the original A Blurred Line pre-v2.1, which even SegNin was unable to find, so if anybody has the sequel, then you might be the best person to know.
So a thousand dangs on this. When I read your post piphany I was like "oh hey, I should have that!" But either my memory from 20 years ago is faulty or I deleted older copies when I did a massive cleanup of my files a decade+ ago, because I definitely do not have it now. I do have the original zips for when I downloaded the copies in 2004, but I doubt that is of little use.
As for release timings, I tend to use the file creation dates as approximations. Because I have the original zips, I can at least say that the final edits to ABL 2.1 were made Feb 2003. But I can nothing about earlier releases. Sorry I can't be of more help. I still secret hope that one day Lys at least shares what his plans were for the end of that game.