You can call me “D3”. I’m just a guy who makes games as a hobby. Not always good at it, but I always have fun!



Upcoming optional patch v1.0.8: Font Replacement

Not that it matters at all, but this should also help anyone who wants to play this game on an android system through an emulator.

Copper Odyssey

This game is so sick. It deserves so much more love on here.

Respect the craft.

also not dead

The show must go on.

A Peek Behind the Curtains

The thumbs up scorpion is amazing.

Astra Hunter Zosma

“Instant sub” as the kids say these days.

Dev Log #1: Astra Hunter Zosma!

So glad to see you're still making games, and this sounds really cool! :DDD I'm always up for a more contained adventure, especially if it has fun and heart, and this certainly seems to fit the bill!

I only just recently learned about Guardian's Crusade from the big book "A Guide to Japanese Roleplaying Games" I've been reading, otherwise I wouldn't have heard about it, but it sounds like a very good source of inspiration, and I like the idea of adding the treasure hunting from The Great Cave Offensive, that sounds like a lot of fun!

And yeah, looks like you've got a good head start on the content already! I chuckled at the lock guy, he's doing good work! I've been procrastinating on my own game's progress chart because it's gonna be big XD;;;

Anyway, really looking forward to the game and getting to know these characters and exploring this tower of treasure! :DDDDDDDDD

God I love that book. It’s such a good read.

This game sounds so good. In your games I can always see where the influences come from, but it never really feels like a 1:1 copy. It always feel like you spin it and make it more unique. So I’m excited to see how you handle this!

Release date: May 27th

Kudos on the release. Can’t wait to play!

Monster Mash!

You have a knack for fun designs!

The First Izrand Blog

The concept of taking a character not very liked and giving them an expanded role is super interesting from a narrative perspective.

Lynette was my favorite character in Luxaren Allure, so while I can understand people not liking her, I think there's definitely an audience that will be intrigued by her as well.

I completely agree here

Izrand Allure

RMN is back? Now I can subscribe!!

Good luck Unity, this is looking amazing already.