Artist and one of two writers for Team Dragonfly.

April was a Fool
No, you can't date the Dragon.



[Revive the Dead] Game Discussion

I would certainly suggest asking a friend or another person on this website to give it a quick play through before posting next time.

[Revive the Dead] Game Discussion

ah nah, don't let it get your confidence down. Did someone other than you get time to play test your game? It can be easy to miss mistakes like that when you play test your own games, because you know what order to do things in and where you go and therefor execute the game in that order.

The most important thing is to learn from these mistakes. When you are play testing your games in the future, remember to think like a player and try to do things differently then you had intended. That is how these errors can be caught :>

U.U.P. Gemstar

I'm glad you liked the character designs, Ebeth! I had a lot of fun with them~

I find it quite fascinating that my spell check didn't catch that excuss lol

Thank you both for playing :> I'm really happy it was enjoyable. It's been a lot of fun creating this world and the characters so far.

[Revive the Dead] Game Discussion

@Marrend: Well, I figured out what the problem was.

I didn't even go into the forest. You need to get some switches or variables in place to stop the player from doing events out of order. I just left town without Miho (just to see if I could) and went into the forest, initiated combat with the bandit, and Miho spoke like she was there.

My first two plays (the second time to double check quotes before I responded with the more detailed post) I skipped the forest altogether, because I was drawn in by the exciting looking tower in the middle. Thus triggering the final bits of the game without once seeing a bandit or reaching the forest.

@unity and Marrend: I'm glad you both enjoyed Gemstar! Thank you for playing it~~ Part of the game's reset was to make the PC's gender ambiguous so the player could think of them as whatever they wanted. It was originally a male PC, which makes it hard for me to remember sometimes to avoid male pronouns in the writing for 'Topaz.' Thank you for catching that little slip up and alerting us to the slip ups with the PC's name as well! We'll have more rigorous testing when we have fuller versions of the game done.

I hope the ey/eir/em pronouns for Tea weren't too confusing. I know xe/ze/zhe combinations are generally more common, but since those tend to use her or his as their base for that wordset (zer zher vis xrys) I was drawn to the Elverson gender neutral pronouns overall. (Using singular 'they' was a bit too confusing overall) Basically, as Rach said earlier, curse the English language! lol Let me write my genderless alien races!

Thank you both for playing!!!

[Revive the Dead] Game Discussion

@bulmabriefs144: Hmm I was unaware those were default behaviours for 2003. It's been a long time since I played one of those. As for what sort of person picks 'no,' it's exactly as LockeZ says - the sort of person who wants to take the undesignated path. The developer is giving me the option to say no, I wonder why? (I thought maybe the character would yell at me. I was curious.)
A thinly veiled "Play" or "Quit" option that early into a game is just a strange choice to me.

@Marrend: I should clarify what I meant by that statement. Of course showing EVERYTHING that happened over the 5 year time skip wouldn't be ideal, however showing the beginning of these events - what happened when the characters/player reached the destination they were given - would be beneficial. It felt more than a bit rushed to just be granted control for the first time, given a task to do, walk only a short distance towards that goal, and then that control taken back and be treated with a bunch of text boxes telling you why you couldn't accomplish that goal.

After crossing the wastelands - crossing the wastelands sounds pretty exciting! Why not introduce the character to the gameplay of the game by allowing the wastelands to be an actual dungeon of sorts?

We arrived at Jade Headquarters, and were promptly split apart - Show this! Why did we go to Jade Headquarters rather than the bandits? Were we caught by Jade Headquarters on the way there?

By reducing the entire mission that the player is given to two unrelated text boxes it is both a confusing logic gap for the player 'why were we going to jade headquarters? the introduction told me to beat up some bandits.' and a missed opportunity to flesh out the intro and build up the characters and world a bit more.

- What is the Jade Headquarters?
- What sort of impact does it have on Miho and Male Lead when they are instantly dragged apart (we don't get much inclination towards how these two characters see each other and this could be a good spot to indicate that. Were they friends? Simply neighbours?)
- What was said to Male Lead that he ended up being enlisted on the spot?
- Why didn't we go fight the bandits?

From the conversation in the cave towards the end of the demo with Miho and... Chisato? Blonde chick. and the villagers hiding there we get that the Jade peeps might not be all that good, showing how they treated Miho and Male Lead those 5 years ago is going to do a better job at driving that home.

Kazuto's 'crap jobs' can be fleshed out later. I don't think the introduction is hinging on seeing what those are. It can be while talking to Miho sometime down the road. "The things they made me do!" or talking to another Jade peep "You usually do such a bad job at everything they give you. Remember that one time-" etc etc you get the dealio.

I hope that this all made sense :)

There's a specific saying in story telling 'show, don't tell' and it is the perfect sort of thing to apply in this instance.

[Revive the Dead] Game Discussion

Ah! I didn't realize this thread existed. I'll comment on all the games I played last night. Some I went to the game pages and left a comment already.

Cave Adventure
One of the few demos I actually played to completion, though that was largely by accident. There's very little going on here - I'm handed a cast of characters with no ... 'character' and given only one way to go. and that's into a mine. The mapping was underwhelming and battles were a very simple affair of spamming attack and occasionally healing. I'm going to guess this is a very early build; it would have been nice to be handed some understanding of the characters or story though!

o3o what's to say. I liked the menu screen. Simplistic minimalism. There wasn't much to this game though... Does it speak to my ego that I decided to win before losing?

Essence Enforcer
I was only giving things a quick look so I could have time to play them all before bed, but I REALLY enjoyed this one! The characters had nice chemistry and the systems seemed very interesting and like they hold a lot of potential for fun finagling later!

A Visit with Grandma
Not something that can really be called a 'game,' but this was very well written and very true to what it is. The grandma in question was perfect and the way they played off each other was very real and true.

Legacy Reborn
Another thing that was pure cutscene and no gameplay. I mean, once I got to walk from one map to another, but after that it was time for more cutscenes. Again, I'm guessing this is a very early build of a game. It seems like you have a good set up for a premise, but it would be SOOOO much better if rather than what happens 5 years ago when you exit the town was SHOWN to the player and not TOLD in a text box. Those events can make a strong opening scene, you should explore them!

I will say straight up, that this is not my sort of game, story wise. And I didn't take the history lesson. So while names and terms flew over my head and I cracked jokes about how poorly I pronounced everyone's name, I lost a lot of the story. It sure felt like there was a strong world though! Once I got to combat, the sound effects all had a strange tinny quality to them that hurt my head. I'm not sure what was going on there?? To the right sort of player, this seemed like a strong game though.

ReCrisis Episode 0
I enjoyed the characters in this one, but the maps were so very dark. Everything was made better when I started reading all of Kumo's lines with the word 'Kuppo!' at the end. -3- I didn't explore the battles too much, because ATB makes me fret and smash attack out of fear of taking to long to think, but I love those gun shot battle animations a lot! And the character art in the menu was really nice. Fun title screen too :>

Razed are the Powerful
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. The art style for this game is simply too pretty. ;o; those backgrounds. Also the writing for this is perfectly in line with my sense of humour. xD I enjoyed this a lot and look forward to playing more :>

The Old Journal
I think this is supposed to be like a series of minigames?? It was confusing and I didn't feel like it did enough to tell me WHAT I was doing before I started playing. It also suffers from oversights (that may or may not be glitches) If you are in the invisible maze room, exit the door, and end up BACK in the invisible maze room - the door is either not there or the sprite is in an 'open' state and you cannot see it. I eventually was stuck on a map that was a very small looping map and seemed to have no escape.

Tales from the Reaper
A lot of things ticked me off about this. From the fact it prompted an install wizard, to the fact it started up in fullscreen, to the unskipable movie that played at the beginning as, what I can figure, a tacked on joke? (I do not know if the characters after the video were relevant to the story or not) I never made it to any actual gameplay, so I cannot speak much to that.

If I have not mentioned your game! It's because something went wrong when I was trying to install it. Usually Norton quarantining dll or exe files as I was trying to install or load games.

Congrats to everyone that got something done for the event!!

Tales From The Reaper

I never got far enough to save. I was in the introduction bit where the character asks... I forget the exact question, but I picked "no" to be a sassy jerk and it kicked me right from the game.

I guess that's good to know that it will skip the video for people who get far enough to save though.

Essence Enforcer - Demo

That's a bit of a relief, then. Craze has seen the same thing a few times on his Win8.1 machine and the save was successful each time. He was able to load up and immediately resume play normally!

Good to know! I didn't load the game back up right afterwards because I was trying to just play a little bit of all the revival games and decided this one actually deserves a little more attention then what I was willing to give things last night ;>

Postcards: A Visit with Grandma

Superb writing and character interactions. That was quite enjoyable; the characters felt very alive and real!

Tales From The Reaper

I'm a little confused why you feel the need to play that video every time I start the game. Is there a way to skip it? Because when there's an option to pick 'no' within the first 3 minutes of the game that literally closes the game, the desire to start the game again knowing that I have to sit through that video is pretty much zero.