The undead are among us,
at dawn they shrink back to their silken beds.
They dance by night
and drink the blood
of a child's broken neck.
The Curse of Cpt. Lovele...
Nautical-themed cephalopod-pirate-based action-shmup.



RMN must be doing something right, because I am inundated with requests from advertising companies...

$1mil+ rm sales on weekly bundle may have had something to do with this?

What are you thinking about right now?

Fine, leave the owl out.

EDIT: we should have an event where everyone who signs up gets assigned a partner randomly, and they mak gam.

I've always wanted this to happen.

Games you love but everyone hates.

I'm not the only person to think this and it's not really a game that other people hate but imo Majora's Mask is an infinitely better game than Ocarina of Time.

Like, ~infinitely~

Otherwise, I have no idea.

(I could easily have answered the reverse question, though.)

RMN v4.5 (and beyond) Feature Idea List

Posts in user statuses are currently exempt from "receive notifications for threads I have posted in" - Sometimes genuinely interesting discussions pop up in statuses and considering they are just disembodied threads anyway - I think they should be included in that functionality.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

@JosephSeraph - Please make a game that looks like this, for real.

Time to play a crapton of SNES games...

Demon's Crest needs more love, the pixel art is top notch.

What are you thinking about right now?

author=Yellow Magic
Mapping is definitely the most draining part of the whole process for me.

Yeah I find RM mapping super boring too ._. Even though I tend to put a fair amount of thought into the presentation.

I need a name for a damage stat that is more harshly mitigated by armor. Attackers using this stat are much more damaging to low-armor targets than to heavily-armored foes.

"Rend" stat or "Rending" damage might be a good word for that?

"penetration" on its own works perfectly fine imo too - it doesn't mention armour but the number of the stat will let people know the "penetration rating" of the weapon.

(Or "edge" if you wanna be cheesy)

A Site for Sore Eyes (updates)

The crux of the suggestions I'd make (what I remember from conv with Libby) were:

* There was talk of making gamepage images in-game-screenshots only, apparently (which is an interesting idea, but I disagree with it).
* To this we said - instead of *screenshots only* we extend the gallery functionality to different categories of image submitted (in-game screenshots being the default, then there could be other custom OR pre-made categories such as "concept art", "promotional art" (or just "art"), "development screenshots" (images taken editor-side etc) - these would be viewable either via tabs or filtering options (drop-down menu, for example) in the images section of a game page.
* This stuff is obviously only for things that have been created by the makers of the game and not the same order of things as what we currently put into "Media". This is all original content from the creator(s) of the game (although overhauling media in the process might be an idea ._.).
* Gallery functionality is extended to allow video posts also, there's no reason not to in this day and age - They'd still be hosted elsewhere (ie YT) but you allow them to be shown in the current gallery format and commented on as such (and have the arrows to next/previous image/video too) - Kinda like twitter's photos/videos thing - this will encourage a lot more use of video to demonstrate things, I reckon?. (whether videos should be a category, or cub category of the images system I leave up to you, my got feeling is yes, though).
* If you go with filtering instead of tabs (which I think is more elegant a solution) then the default view for the image gallery of a game page can be retained as a viewing option (simply where the most recently submitted photos (or videos!) are at the top). - This could either be an option in the filtering of gallery submissions (show all photos and videos, by date submitted etc - (oh yeah we should have sorting too :P)). I assume the new actual default view would be with categories and/or filtering? Although perhaps which view is set to actual default could be a gamepage CP option.
*Sub-galleries (a-la facebook D: with thumbnails to click-through to another gallery/category) is of course another way this could be implemented but idk how I feel about that one - It would work fine but it's a little ugly a solution? What do you guys think?

Looking for satisfying RPG maker games in all shapes/sizes/colors