A wanna-be Thai game designer who wanna be a game designer.



The Screenshot Topic Returns

Long time no see, everyone! I now have 4 hedgehogs in my house and I'm crazy enough to make a game based on them :P

Hello Panda Review

Thanks for the great review, Strangeluv <3 <3 <3

I might remaking this or something. It has been brought up, but we have other stuffs to do X( But yeah , I really miss these three panda killers <3

Grace's Diary

Come to think about it, that might be true. Domestic violence is pretty common in Thailand , especially with the women. Now I wonder why it isn't a big issue yet... Anyway, it's either the indifference to the issue due to cultural difference, or he just skipped everything with CTRL and didn't read the story. Here's hoping it's the latter!

Grace's Diary

Glad to hear that! And sorry again about the cellphone. It was a bad choice really! *sigh*

Thank you! Glad you like it :) The best ending is not so hard to get, keep it up! It might not be a happy ending for everyone though. ( At least not for Ken )

Also just got a comment from my Thai friend saying that the best ending is so unfair to Ken. The message is lost somewhere, apparently. I need to be a better writer heh.

Interview: Anti-Teen Violence Group Reveals Game Design Contest Winners

Thanks but it isn't really an interview of me though! They interview the contest holder as to what's the reason behind the contest and why do they think games are the way to go.

Still, I'd recommend you to spend time reading it. Many interesting stuffs in there :)

Grace's Diary

I'm glad you like the game! Yeah, I think this issue is pretty much everywhere but they are somehow under the radar. I try my best to make the game shows some examples that can be related in real life and I'm glad that you find it useful and fun at the same time.

As for not be able to beat the game, I have updated the game page with hints&walkthrough page. Please use it if you still cannot beat the game!

Grace's Diary

Maybe you haven't collect all the necessary memories?

Giving Natalie a call right a way may not be an obvious choice! Take a deep breath and think again before you make a call. Maybe a phone itself will remind you of something.

I admit it was a bad design choice and might even be a fake difficulty. Terribly sorry about this m(_ _)m

Grace's Diary

Thank you!

And yes the style is influenced by Hotel Dusk because I had just heard about its sequel and fifteen minutes later I found out that Cing went bankrupt grrrr. We would have go for rotroscoping animation too if it weren't for only one month development time. We found out about the contest a little bit late.

For those who's interested in joining the contest, I think it is held annually, starting from sometime in February and end around 15 of May, which mean 3 months development time. The issue need more attention from the public. I didn't know about it myself until I've done some research because of this contest, and I have to say I was surprised to learn how serious this issue is.

There are some grammar mistakes in there, like always heh. I'll find someone who can do the final grammar check for me and fix it in the next version. Sorry!

@YDS - It's 13 MB, so it might take a while to load. I'll see if I'm allowed to release the executable version.

Magus Magus

Sorry for haven't been here for like forever! The game is still being developed!

It's kinda slow because I am now also making games for a company. So I have to finish those first :(

As for Magus Magus, I'm switching the scripting language that the engine use from AngelScript to Falcon. This is because Falcon is much more suitable for writing an application and it seems easier to embed. Or maybe I should just use Unity3D? D: