Hi all !

I like 16-bits RPGs (especially action RPGs) where you feel the quest behind the lines of code. I also like strategy, puzzle solving, immersive stories, tabletop RPG and LARP.

I'm a hobbyist C programmer who likes to work on custom game mechanics. My very first project was a very basic map generator for Genesia, aka Ultimate Domain

I also want to help developers polishing their projects with my player feedback. So I'll be happy to test your game !

See you around,
Red Balloon of Happiness
Red balloons bring happiness to any home. Any? Are you sure?



Deer, You Are Being Hunted Review

Thank you for your rating indication. A score is always a useful information for players and developers.

Deer, You Are Being Hunted Review

Thanks a lot TheRpgmakerAddict for your kind review.

When choosing game tags, "Shooter" seemed appropriate because the game has shooting but with a grain of dark humor as the player is shot at ;-).

Running depletes a hidden stamina counter. Eating refills some stamina. You also regain stamina over time. The regeneration rate is the best while you stand and is slow while you walk. But if you get injured the rate become slow while standing and you no longer regenerate stamina while walking. The intention is to make the player feel like a wounded animal.

Map size is the result of a delicate trade off between what the injured and uninjured deer can traverse. It probably feels a bit too small if you never get injured but a bigger map would become tedious if you get injured early. I hope I got the size right between the uninjured and early injured situations.

I'm surprised you didn't rate the game.

i want to buy rpgmaker 95

This might be what you're looking for but I can't confirm because I use Linux.

Hali's Review Thread (Request Your Game!)

Could you please review my very short game Deer, You Are Being Hunted ? The estimated playtime is 10 minutes.

The Simple Times

Corfaisus, you're fast. Congratulations !

I've not started yet. I just have a basic idea that I can code and I'm wondering if I should gather assets or try to team up with an artist.


Welcome to RMN Jotasage !

You can make a game page to show the game in progress you made.

RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 games are very relevant today because they can easily run on modern platforms like Linux thanks to EasyRPG.

The Simple Times

I love the simplicity of this event too !

Does anyone even know who I am?

screenshots first submission

Congratz on getting your gamepage approved !

Back From the Tavern

Windows users need folders Windows + Common
Linux users need folders Linux + Common

Don't blame yourself about it. I usually pack my games with a text file "Folders.txt" explaining that. And for some reason I forgot to include that file. I've just updated the download to include it.