Hi all !

I like 16-bits RPGs (especially action RPGs) where you feel the quest behind the lines of code. I also like strategy, puzzle solving, immersive stories, tabletop RPG and LARP.

I'm a hobbyist C programmer who likes to work on custom game mechanics. My very first project was a very basic map generator for Genesia, aka Ultimate Domain

I also want to help developers polishing their projects with my player feedback. So I'll be happy to test your game !

See you around,
Red Balloon of Happiness
Red balloons bring happiness to any home. Any? Are you sure?



[RM2K3] action rpg elements

Go to our Game list, select "RPG Maker 2003" engine, the "Action" tag and "Download Available" or click here. Try the games and when you find one that has a system similar to what you want, kindly ask the developer how he/she built it.

Shadow Seeker might be what you're looking for.

Sorry if my answer doesn't sound too helpful. I'm just this weird dev who code games in C, share them here and play other creator's RM games.

Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams

Unfortunately JosephSeraph couldn't run my game in Window$ 11.
I suggested him a workaround but I don't know how it went.

stuff: my 1st projet Review

Here, the battle looks like this:

If you use a plugin for the battle, EasyRPG may or may not be able to run the plugin. If it isn't able to run a plugin, it will simply ignore it and run the default code.

In the video, JosephSeraph uses your stuff skill. When I played, I fought totally unprepared: I had not look at my skills before the fight... so I use a few Nuclear before realizing I wasted the MP necessary to use your great stuff. But I was able to win the battle quickly, thanks to EasyRPG fast-forward. While playing, holding F makes the game run at 3 times the normal speed. Holding G makes the game run at 10 times the normal speed! A very handy feature to go trough unskipable lengthy cutscenes, traverse gigantic deserts and win attrition fights!

CTRL Left key

Pass-through is such a useful debug tool that I implemented a "pass-through AND move twice faster" when pressing shift.

Making a PS1 rpg maker game standalone exe

The RTP replacement project is really nice. You can even use it in other engines if you give credit. That's what I did in Back From the Tavern to give the cutscenes a 2k3 style for the Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams event.

A.I. Generation and RMN

"Drawing a person with seven fingers on one hand, two navels and a nipple on the hip" looks like what advertisement companies requested from human image editors. They now have AI to draw the adds. Banning AI creations leads to the good consequence of banning adds !

Making a PS1 rpg maker game standalone exe

If you want to play or build RPG games on your phone, check EasyRPG. It has 2 components:
1) EasyRPG Player that let you play RM2k & 2k3 games on about anything from Linux to Android. I use it all the time to run 2k & 2k3 games on Linux.
2) EasyRPG Editor that let you build RPGs. I've never used it because I'm a crazy dev who code games in C.

If you makes games in 2k or 2k3, you can keep your usual workflow then copy your game to your phone and run it in EasyRPG Player.

One of my delisted YT videos (Live A Live OST) was posted on a porn site lmao.

Tor protects your privacy. And Qwant respect your privacy because it is hosted in Europe and follows the European privacy laws. Not bush sh!t there !

Back From the Tavern Review

Map 1 requires a bit more right orders that it gives you so it's meant to introduce the idea of "order left then bounce".

Map 2 starts with all soldiers safely locked between the tavern and a tree. While Map 3 is supported to tell the player to lock most of the soldiers. Next maps require the player to lock soldiers as well.

The timer forces the player to control 2 soldiers at one instead of 1 by 1. But I introduce this time pressure at map 3 where the player needs to learn the locking. Putting time pressure on the player while he learns a new maneuver is a terrible mistake I did; resulting in a lot of frustration. I'll remove the time pressure from map 3 and introduce it later or make an extra map dedicated to teach "control 2 soldiers to make it in time". Making the soldiers only receive order that differ from their walking direction will also help controlling 2 of them.

I always play games in fullscreen, which definitely influences how I design them. In fullscreen, everything is bigger, making your mouse more accurate. How could I make the mouse more accurate at smaller resolutions?

The visual glitch you reported also shows up here on Linux, but only on the back of soldiers swinging the ax. Programming forums tell it's an error in the SDL2 library. I would have to rewrite most, or all, of the game display functions to solve this issue. Not impossible, but it's a lot of work.

Apparently Windows 11 can't run my game nor any of the RM2k3 games of the Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams event. Windows 8.1 is good at the job (thank you for this info) and upgrading to Windows 10 or Linux are good too. A player successfully tested my game in Windows 10.

If you have some footage of you playing my game, I would love to have a look at it. If not, don't replay the game now, wait for me to patch the issues you repotred.

Back From the Tavern Review

Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts about my game. I'm sorry it was such a terrible experience for you. I played the levels so many times while building the game that they are now extremely difficult for any player. You are right: the difficulty need a complete overhaul.

I realize there is this useful trick (unfortunately not taught in the game): when you run out of "Up" order, give a "Down" order to make the soldier bounce. Did you find and use this trick?

What operating system did you play the game on?