

[RMXP] Player battlers

I'm using the default battle system, and I would like to alter the position of the player battlers.

[RMXP] Player battlers

So I've recently fired up the ol' RMXP (I like VXAce and MV, but I hate the chibi style). And I was wondering if you could change the position of the player battlers in the default battle system. I'm using player battlers that cut off at the bottom and I wanted to lower them so they cut off with the bottom of the screen if that makes sense.

Change the vowels in your name to "oodle".

Pyroodlemoodled Hoodleoodled

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

I do like that idea, only there have been no mention of sandworms in my game up to date, and to just randomly throw one in for the sake of a minigame would come across as a little weird. I toyed with something like darting from ruin to ruin in between sandstorms, and if you get caught in a sandstorm you're sent back to the last checkpoint.

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

I'm at a point in my game where the party needs to travel across a desert to get to the next dungeon. Now I could just do that through the world map, but I was thinking of perhaps making the trek to the next dungeon into some sort of mini-game type thing (Like in Ocarina of Time where you have to use the lens of truth to follow the poe to the spirit temple). Any ideas?

Pyramid_Head's writing.

So I have this silly idea in my head that I want to be an author. And in between writing my best selling sci-fi novel. I occasionally write short horror stories. I'd like to share little snippets of my writing with you folk. This first excerpt is from a planned anthology of stories collectively called 'The Black Shapes of Space'

Since mankind had developed the intelligence to use tools, we have often said many times in jest that we would bring about our own destruction. The two world wars in the 20th century was a nudge on the right direction, and the 2nd Cold War of 2383 nearly brought us to the brink. I suppose one could surmise that we never took our destruction seriously because we always thought it would come from within the blackest of human souls. We never believed that our end would come from a far more insidious place; it never occurred to us that our end would come from the deepest depths of space. When you were a child, and you’d look up to the night sky, did it fill you with romantic wonder? Were you reminded of enthralling space expeditions of the 21st and 22nd century? Or was your mind cast you back to memories of your childhood, of your mother singing ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ to you sank into a peaceful sleep? Well, if you are reading this, then drink deep from what I have to say. Space is nothing one can get romantic over. Space is full of wonderment and awe. If the doomed voyage of the Cargo Tug Ulysses taught me one thing, it taught me that all our assumptions of the universe, and our place in it, were wrong.

Let's game together

Sorry, if anyone else has Rocket League. I guess I must have missed that on the first post, sorry.

Let's game together

If anyone has Rocket League we could get a party going on there.

They're baaaaack...

I like to see the FNAF series as a quick snack to say, Silent Hill's 3 course meal. If I'm in the mood for horror, but I can't be arsed to invest an hour or two in say, Amnesia, Call of Cthulhu or Barbie Dreamhouse Party, then I'll give myself a good few 15 minutes on FNAF.

In regards to the games being good, well. I like them. I much prefer the darker, grungier feel to the 1st one over the 2nd one. But I think (and correct me if I'm wrong) but a lot of folks vehemence towards the series stems from the slavering fan base.

D'you ever look back at your old projects. And your eyes instinctively want to fly out of your sockets and roll away from sheer embarrassment?

Thing is BadLuck. Your old Ara Fell is leagues better than any drivel I can concoct.