Resident Nonexistence
I've almost been here for somewhat 7 years and still can't seem to finish crap, but it's been time well spent learning exactly how NOT to do things

Except for that PONG game... I'm not doing that again. Ever.

Current Task: Doing something eventually
Fall of Darkness
Will you end it or lose yourself on the way?



What are you thinking about right now?

I like Unity, the game engine. now. It's something with a language I actually moderately know ;3;

What are you thinking about right now?

maybe i should play dark souls 3 and skip dark souls 1/2.

there's a pvp system?

In the sense that, certain conditions fulfilled, they can at almost any moment invade your world and wreck your shit.

Hey guys, RMN has a Twitter too!

Yeah, if you care about privacy then I'd stay away (esp facebook) unless you're willing to set up some fake info and some burner emails

ere you go to get blocked by people who can't handle dissenting opinions

And try to have arguments using 150 characters or less, sometimes over multiple posts, that can be taken out of context at any moment because you don't have enough characters to fully get a message across o3o

What are you thinking about right now?

school wasn't cancelled yesterday

still managed to sleep until 2 PM and missed class (as I was up till near 4 AM for whatever reason).. Would've gone longer had my friend not gotten my ass up so we could do homework :p

Hooray i wasn't the first to make a reference to that.
I'm thinking that i don't know how i can be in a room full of people that care about me and still feel lonely as shit.

I find the feeling odd at times, myself.. But that's prolly because my group is a bunch of Smash Bros players with a bunch of in-jokes I don't get o^o

What are you thinking about right now?

School was cancelled Monday and yesterday due to flooding/rain.

We've an 80% chance of thunderstorms today, so here's hoping WE GO FOR A THIRD DAY

Game engine problem

You know, I do still have a key for GM:S Pro, if you're so inclined, from some Humble Bundle way-back-when. It'll get you the OS X and Ubuntu exports as well

you should totally PM or something me if you want it

but this is assuming you have neither the engines to begin with

[DEV TOOL] Comprehensive List of Reviewers/Feedbackers/LPers/LTers/Play Testers/etc

I can totes Let's Play/Try and/or Review seeing as there's a lack of the former 2 (and I want to play games)

What are you thinking about right now?

Guys, I think I have a problem.

"Hey unity, since your current game is being tested, you should take a break. What will you do?"

"Uhhhh.... work on a different game? MAKE A NEW GAME?"

this is how the cycle begins, folks

What are you thinking about right now?

Shit just got real in this D&D 5e game I'm in
How so?

In the pathfinder one I'm in, we just stopped the god of war from calling an Elder God via a demon tree beacon. Also we're a bunch of mythic assholes.
It got down to a real tense RP moment between our pally (now exiled) and our monk over arresting someone and what is right/what is with the law/etc
Which one was getting arrested?

Notable NPC that the monk's family was more-or-less sheltering (pally was lawful-stupid if it helps).

We end the session being split up in an evil asshole's castle

What are you thinking about right now?

Shit just got real in this D&D 5e game I'm in
How so?

In the pathfinder one I'm in, we just stopped the god of war from calling an Elder God via a demon tree beacon. Also we're a bunch of mythic assholes.

It got down to a real tense RP moment between our pally (now exiled) and our monk over arresting someone and what is right/what is with the law/etc