Traveler A group of people greeted by unlikely fate have to rely on a mysterious figure's help, bracing themselves for what comes from the "other side"...
Toraware no Shoujo - Cag... The game follows the story of Ai, a girl caged in the attic of her house by her father, and her attempt to jailbreak.
Ravenwood Horror Horror themed traditional adventure/puzzle game.
Acrylic After entering her familiar art college for a quick evening errand, senior student, Nicole, and her spunky sister soon realize it is not so familiar once the sun goes down
5 Little Lights Horror writer Gill O'Teen becomes trapped in a nightmarish story.
Oneshot A puzzle/adventure game with unusual capabilities
The Book of True Will When world views collide, a visit to a childhood friend quickly escalates. Follow an unlikely team of adventurers in this character-heavy puzzle RPG.
zz Akane:Remastered Akane wakes up one night because of a loud noise she hears.
zz 100 Floors Have you forgotten about our promise so easily?
Blank Dream A young girl commits suicides only to find herself alive... or is she?
Happy Birthday When a party for a wealthy family’s 10 year old daughter ends with the birthday girl dead and her sister missing, the detective isn’t exactly conventional. Short murder mystery adventure.