Escalia The story of Escalia follows Fayhe Corin, Olivia's magically gifted daughter, and her friends Lumia and Seyfer as they find themselves in a series of unfortunate events that could spiral out of contro
LEARSON - Chapter One This is my first completed RPG Maker game. It is loosely based on a story/stories that I have been playing around with in my head for years.
Hellion A dungeon-crawler cross between Dragon Warrior, Diablo and D&D with retro NES flair
Oneshot A puzzle/adventure game with unusual capabilities
A Home Far Away Two siblings lose each other, reunite and must find their way back home in this light-hearted adventure <3 A complete game, two years in the making.
Leo & Leah: A Love Story How far will a lion go to save his girlfriend? 6+ hour complete adventure RPG!
The Logomancer A JRPG without killing, where words are your most powerful weapons.
Lawrence of Aragorn A serious knight and a crazy priest search for their missing king.
Final Quest - The discip... Ernest follows his teacher Ulrika into the wilderness for training, but not everything is what it seems.
Dreaming Mary The adventure through a girl's final dream.
The Book of True Will When world views collide, a visit to a childhood friend quickly escalates. Follow an unlikely team of adventurers in this character-heavy puzzle RPG.
Remnants of Isolation Fight for your freedom in a world that fears and despises you.
The Drop A dungeon crawler set in the universe of The Reconstruction. Features a unique health system, environmental and property interaction, and stealth elements.