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Guardian of the Description Thread
The purpose of this thread is to track 2021 Misao nominations on a montly basis, and maybe throw a few notable games down for a basis of conversation.

Voting is now complete! The results are in this thread! Thanks to the winners, the nominees, and to those that participated!

Total nominations: 0
-Nominations closed due to being the voting period for 2020 Misaos
-Seasons 4 begins

Notable Games
-Blood & Grime (Best Game Profile, "Eye Candy" Award, Star Stealing Prince Award)
-The Disrupted Monarchs

Total nominations: 26 (+26)
-Seasons 4 ends
-Lonely Hearts Pixel Event begins
-Release Maker Birthday begins

Notable Games:
-Deer, You Are Being Hunted (Best Game Title, Year of the Deer)
-Legend of the Mystical Deer (Year of the Deer, Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen, The Dark Souls of RMN)
-The Lady Puppet (Most Promising Demo)
-Sweet Middleground 4 (Summoner of Sounds, Best Game Profile, Best Event Game - Seasons 4)
-Decline (Summoner of Sounds)
-Purgatory 2 (Best Non-English Game)
-Epic Wings 2 (Sleeping Beetle Ninja)
-The Morning Star
-Fatal Runtime

Total nominations: 65 (+39)
-Release Maker Birthday ends

Notable Games:
-Yume Wheeky (Year of Deer, Best Game Title, Punniest Game Alive)
-A Thief's Voyage (Sleeping Beetle Ninja)
-Errevale Fall (Star Stealing Prince Award, Sleeping Beetle Ninja, Best Event Game - Release Maker Birthday)
-Cave Adventure R
-Succubus Shop
-Meteo Chronicles

Total nominations: 74 (+9)
-Lonely Hearts Pixel Event ends(?)
-1.44 Floppy Disk event begins/ends (Liberty's playlist)

Notable Games:
-Door of Shadows (Most Promising Demo)
-Super Mario Death Row (Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen)
-AWE VS OZZY: The Game (Best Short Game, Punniest Game Alive)
-A Vacation in Nebula ("Eye Candy" Award, Best Short Game Award)
-Detective WaKa (Best Game Profile, Best Short Game Award, Punniest Game Alive, Best Event Game - 1.44 Floppy Disk event)
-Unchained ("Eye Candy" Award)
-Oh No! It's My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! (Best Short Game Award)
-Unbit (The "How the Hell Did They Do That?" Award)
-Our Dark Heart (Most Promising Demo, Best Eye Candy, Excellence in Narrative)
-Magic Quest
-Tesseract Quest
-The Lonely League
-Too Impatient
-Dread the Rabbit

Total nominations: 88 (+14)
-Mapdaptation begins/ends

Notable Games:
-Final Fantasy Legend 3 Remake (Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen)
-Castlevanina - The Lost Belmont (Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen)
-Darkest Dreams Remake (Sleeping Beetle Ninja)
-Forget-me-Not (Sleeping Beetle Ninja)
-Placebo Love (Best Commercial Game)
-The Dungeons of Mysteria (Best Commercial Game)
-Carpentry Story
-ChkenQuest 2K3 - Rise of the Chimkin

Total nominations: 93 (+5)
-RMNs 14th Birthday
-Fuck Pride, Here's Some Gay

Notible Games:
-Everlasting Journey ("Everlasting Journey" Award)
-Rejection - An RMN Birthday Game (Punniest Game Alive)
-The Bloodlust Curse of Dracula (Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen)

Total nominations: 103 (+10)
-Fuck Pride, Here's Some Gay
-Gamepage Glories

Notable Games:
-Starless Umbra (Best Commercial Game, Most Promising Demo)
-None Pizza with Left Beef: Chapter 2 (Best Game Profile, Best in Positive Diversity, Best Event Game - Fuck Pride, here's some gay)
-Copper Odyssey (Best Commercial Game)
-Forest Star

Total Nominations: 119 (+16)
-Theme Roulette 4 (Liberty's playlist)

Notible Games:
-Tales of Yuria - Mausoleum of the Gods
-Wizard Kings
-Soma Union

Total Nominations: 157 (+38)
-No events this month

Notable Games:
-Triple Triad - Tornament of the Elements (Best Lawsuit Waiting to Happen)
-Chicken Blood (Best Short Game, Punniest Game Alive, Best Event Game - Theme Roulette 4)
-Wild Garden Mystery Dungeon (Year of the Deer)
-Uchioniko MZ (108% self-promotion pick)

Total Nominations: 179 (+22)
-Commonplace Book (Mirak's playlist)

Notable Games:
-Divided Reigns (Best Commercial Game)
-Beetle Ninja 2 (Sleeping Beetle Ninja)
-The Monastery
-Keeper of the Fog
-Lost Colossus
-Forgotten Water's Silent Voice
-Notes From Province

Total Nominations: 273 (+94)
-Nomination November

Notable Games:
-Draug's Resurrection (Not Dead Yet)

Total Nominations: 419 (+146)
-Secret Santa
-Jingle Jangle Jam

Notable Games:
-RMN Holiday Calendar
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Yo this owns.
This is a very good idea, I like this
Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
I like this too! Not to jump the gun but it feels like OldPat's The Lady Puppet might get buzz in future? I dunno, that's just a Cash prediction :) I'mma play it this Friday to find out!
Guardian of the Description Thread
I could see throwing in Dyhalto's Legend of the Mystical Deer as a "Year of the Deer" suggestion, at minimum. OldPat's The Lady Puppet is also on my docket, so, I'll see where that goes.
Looking forward to more with this throughout the year. Great idea Marrend.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I want to hold off my commentary on the Seasons 4 games until the 28th, when I plan to do an update to the gaming diary thread. However, what games I have played from that event so far have been pretty good! Seasons 3 was kinda buried/forgotten last year, and part of my hope for this thread is to be a reference point to the Misao thread for this year unless this thread effectively becomes said thread.
I'll also be uploading an article that goes over the games (and I'll post it here) when I've finished streaming them. Which will start today.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Main post updated with Seasons 4 games I've played. Commentary on such can be found under hide-tags, here. I'll be updating it again before going to sleep with the nomination count for the month!
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Is there a way to tell if your game has been nominated for anything? I need to know how much I need to pester my subscribers.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Somebody like Liberty or kentona might be able to see that. As for anybody else, I don't think there's a way to tell? If there is, I'm certainly not aware of it!

*Edit: That aside, I could see Yume Wheeky being a possible contender for "Year of Deer", and the game title ("Best Game Title"?), is my kind of pun ("Punniest Game Alive"?).
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Welp guess I'm constantly pestering then! :V
Will online games be on the list of nominees? I'd love to have some online games listed in the gesture list.
Only if they have a game page on the site and fit the criteria.
Guardian of the Description Thread
This thread is open to suggestions for notable games. However, as Liberty says, the game needs to have a gamepage on RMN to count for anything, much less what specific category it could be nominated for!
We do have some online games on the site already - some that are built around the MMORPG genre, for example, and others with online scoreboards. Not many, but they do pop up now and then.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Updated the OP with a few notable games (in my opinion) from Release Maker Birthday. I should include my entry just because. Also, as a point of information, we're at 65 nominations as of this post!
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Also, as a point of information, we're at 65 nominations as of this post!

Four more!
Guardian of the Description Thread
Main post updated with March's info. It was about only nine days since the update from Release Maker Birthday, but, I was kinda hoping the number of nominations would move to 69. Alas, they did not! ;_;
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